VR Shenanigans

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Ritsuka was walking down the hallway, minding his own business. As he continued walking, it was then that he heard two voices.

"Master!" the voices said in unison.

Ritsuka then turned around to see Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison...who were fighting with each other. Ritsuka let out a sigh as he saw the usual behavior whenever those two meet each other. "Hey there Tesla, Edison."

The two geniuses stopped fighting each other for a moment and turned their attention to Ritsuka. "Oh! Hey there master! We have something for you!"


"Yes! Now give me a moment to bring it out," Tesla said.

"Hey! I should be the one to bring that out! Not you simpleton!" Edison argued.

"Why you!"

The two then began to fight again, making Ritsuka sigh again. "Anyways, what is that item you two wanted to show me?" he asked.

The two quickly stopped their fighting for a moment and Tesla began to take the object out of his bag. "Behold! Our greatest creation! VR Chaldea, prototype number one!"

Ritsuka was speechless for a moment. "Huh?"

"You didn't hear him? This is our greatest creation! VR Chaldea, prototype number one!" Edison repeated.

Ritsuka was still speechless and confused but continued the conversation. "I see...and how does it work by the way?"

"Well, it's quite simple master! You put it on, and it randomly chooses a servant in Chaldea that you have a connection with as a training partner! And using that servant's data, it helps you train in virtual reality! Of course, this wonderful invention was only possible because of my amazing alternate currents!" Tesla continued happily.

Edison was not amused at what Tesla said and replied, "Huuh?! What do you mean alternating currents?!"

"Shut up you idiot!" Tesla interrupted.

"Huh?! You're the idiot here! Are you trying to pick a fight with me!"

"Why you!" Tesla then proceeded to tug on Edison's cheek, which Edison did not like. In retaliation, Edison began to pull onto Tesla's face, which he did not like as well. Meanwhile, Ritsuka let out a sigh upon hearing the description of the VR headset itself.

"Those two will never change..." Ritsuka thought as he watched the fight between the two and decided to break them up. "You two! Quit fighting!"

Tesla and Edison stopped their fighting for a moment and turned to Ritsuka.

"Well? What do you think?" Edison asked.

"Well, it sounds amazing," Ritsuka said with amazement in his voice.

"Exactly! That is why we called for no one else! We would like you to test this invention on other servants to collect data! So that we can make a completed version!" Tesla said.

"So, I'll just go around in your place huh?"


Ritsuka thought about Tesla's suggestion for a moment and said, "All right! I'll do it!"

"Great! We are leaving it to you! Once we are done collecting data from the other servants, we'll let you have a go at it master!"

"Sure. Have you two tried it out?"

"Of course! The system chose Helena-kun for the both of us. So, we trained in Mahatma!"

"Exactly. It is truly a wonderful system! In fact, it feels so real as well!"

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