Angra Mainyu's Worst Fear

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Ritsuka was walking in Chaldea's hallway, minding his own business. "Well, today seems to be a good day. There's no chaos, no singularity to deal with, and everyone here is on good terms...for the most part at least. Looks like nothing bad will happen today."

As Ritsuka kept walking, he noticed a certain servant standing weirdly on a wall.

And that servant was Angra Mainyu, also known as All the World's Evil.

"Hm? What is Angra Mainyu doing over there? And why is he standing here awkwardly? I'll go check up on him to see what's wrong with him."

Ritsuka then went over to where Angra Mainyu was. Meanwhile, Angra Mainyu was standing behind a hallway, hoping that he wasn't seen. "Phew. He hasn't saw me yet. Guess I can leave now, and-"

"Angra Mainyu, what are you doing?" Ritsuka interrupted, snapping Angra Mainyu out of his thoughts. Shocked, he turned around to see who found him. In his relief, it was Ritsuka that found him.

"Oh. Hey master," Angra Mainyu said with a sigh of relief. "What are you doing here?"

"That's my question. What were you doing behind over there? Were you hiding from something or someone?"

Angra Mainyu scoffed at Ritsuka's question. "Heh. That's a funny joke to hear master. Just how was I hiding?"

" be blunt, you were standing awkwardly over there. Care to explain that?"

Angra Mainyu didn't say anything for a moment. "Oh that? That is well...I was stretching for a moment over there."

Ritsuka raised his eyebrow. "Stretching?"

"Yeah. You got a problem with that?"

"Well no, but-" Ritsuka said, but was cut off from Angra Mainyu.

"Exactly! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to my room master. And don't bother me. Understand?"

Ritsuka sighed. "Yeah."

"Good." Angra Mainyu then quickly took off.

"What's with him?" Ritsuka thought as he saw Angra Mainyu took off as fast as he can.

Meanwhile, Angra Mainyu was running towards his room as fast as his can, surprising any servant that passed him by. Eventually, he arrived at his room and closed the door.

He let out a sigh as he was alone in his room.

"Phew. Finally, alone in my room...especially when I'm not near Emiya Shirou. That guy still scares me. Even now, I'm surprised he managed to get himself here..." Angra Mainyu thought has his mind went back to the day he found out that Emiya Shirou arrived in Chaldea.

(Many months ago...)

Angra Mainyu was walking down the hallway in Chaldea, minding his own business. As he did, he overheard something that completely shocked him.

"Hey, did you hear?" one servant said.

"Yeah. We have a new servant here, and apparently, he's like Gilgamesh, but a lot nicer," another servant replied.

"Really? Who is it?"

"The servant's name is Emiya Shirou."

"Emiya Shirou...never heard of him in any legend I've ever heard of. Do you have any idea what legend is he from?"

"Me neither."

"I see."

In an instant, Angra Mainyu quickly ran in the hallway like a maniac and headed towards his room. As he arrived in his room, his mind was in a shock over what he just heard.

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