Fan Art

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Mordred Pendragon was walking down Chaldea's hallway, minding her own business. As she was walking down, she ran in Blackbeard carrying a bunch of doujinshis and video games.

"Jeez...that pirate seriously needs to lay off with the doujinshis and video games...if anyone can get him to..." Mordred thought as she accidentally bumped into him, making him drop all of the stuff he was carrying.

"Ah! The stuff I borrowed from Osakabehime!" Blackbeard thought as he saw the stuff fall over. "Mordred!"

"Hey! You bumped into me first!" Mordred argued.

"You weren't even paying attention to where you were going!" Blackbeard argued back.

The two then glared at each other to make the other back down before both thought it was pointless arguing against each other any further.

"Anyways, can you help me pick all of this up?" Blackbeard asked Mordred.

"Whatever..." she said as she grabbed a few doujinshis that had dropped from the pile. As she was picking up the doujinshis that dropped from the pile Blackbeard was holding, she noticed a piece of paper on the ground. "Hm? What is this?" she thought.

As she picked up the piece of paper, what she saw on the paper completely shocked her.

It was a drawing of Emiya Shirou.

Blackbeard noticed Mordred picking up the drawing of Emiya Shirou and nearly was in shock. "Ah! Oh shit! Mordred picked up the one thing I did not want anyone to take a look at! Well...other than the collection of doujinshis, figurines, video games, and visual novels I picked up over the years...but still!"

"Blackbeard!" Mordred yelled out.


"Why do you have a picture of mother?! Were you the one who drew this?!"

"Uh...well...I'm not the one who drew it..."

"Then who?!"

" see...I already made a promise not to tell..."

"Huuh?! What do you mean by that?! If there's someone else involved, then tell me! Or else I'll shove Clarent down your throat!" Mordred said as she had Clarent ready and to shove it down his throat.

"All right! All right!" Blackbeard said fearfully as he did not want to return to the Throne of Heroes. "Sorry Osakabehime...but it seems like I can't keep your promise..." Blackbeard thought as he brought out his smartphone and started texting to Osakabehime.

(Meanwhile in Osakabehime's room...)

Osakabehime was at her kotatsu, working on a new drawing on her tablet. As she was working on her digital drawing, she had a new notification on her PC.

She stopped for a moment and checked the notification. As she checked it, she noticed that she received a message from Blackbeard. "Blackbeard? Is he finally done with the stuff I lend him a while ago?"

However, as she checked the contents of the message, she was terrified.

"Mordred-shi saw the pic of Emiya Shirou drawn by Okki! Sorryyyy!"

Osakabehime was terrified about this. In an instant, she sent a message back to Blackbeard.

"Huuuuuuh?! Didn't you promise not to show it to anyone?! Stuuuuupid Blackie!"

"Is it okay if I tell her that you're the one who drew it?"

"It's embarrassing, so definitely not!"

What happens when you summon Emiya Shirou in ChaldeaWhere stories live. Discover now