Irisviel's Consultation Room

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Irisviel was letting out a smile as she was cleaning out her room. "All right...all right, now I need to clean some of the corners of the room along with adding some furniture, and then my consultation room will be complete!" she thought happily. As she was cleaning up her room, Kiritsugu, who was in the room with her, was carrying some boxes around.

"Hey Iri, where do I put these?" Kiritsugu asked.

"Hm? Ah, put them over there. And don't worry, I'll unpack them later." Irisviel replied as she pointed at a corner of the room. Kiritsugu then headed towards the corner where Irisviel pointed earlier. "All right, that should be it for now..." she said.

Kiritsugu let out a small sigh. "But seriously Iri, are you actually going to do this?"

"Hm? Why not Kiritsugu?" Irisviel asked.

"I mean, you suddenly want to be a consoler and asked Da Vinci a room for this. I mean, no offense, but I don't think this is in your field of expertise...and plus, you're not a doctor or have any medical experience..."

Irisviel let out a giggle. "Relax Kiritsugu! I'm just going to help people with their problems by talking to them. I mean, how hard can it be?" she said as she went back to cleaning the room.

Meanwhile, Kiritsugu was having thoughts about this. " least it can't be bad than the times she was behind the wheel of cars. I mean, when Iri's behind the wheel, it's a one-way ticket to hell, complete with sudden turns that can make you throw up, sudden brakes that can make the person in the back seat fall forward, and a lot's a wonder that the law hasn't caught up to her yet..." Kiritsugu thought as he remembered the times Irisviel was driving. As he looked at the room, he noticed that they were security cameras on the ceiling. "Hey Iri, what's with the cameras in the room?"

"Hm? Ah, those? Those security cameras are there to make sure nothing bad happens to me! After all, some of the servants here can be pretty scary!"

"Fair enough."

"Anyways, Irisviel's Consultation Room is now open!"

"All right Arturia, can you tell me what kind of problems you are having right now?" Irisviel asked Arturia, who was sitting on a nearby couch while Irisviel was sitting on a chair.

Arturia let out a small sigh. "Gilgamesh."

"Which one?"

"The Archer version."

"Hm..." Irisviel said as she was jolting down some notes on her clipboard. "And how is he causing you any troubles?"

Arturia sighed again, this time the sigh was a deeper one before she started to rant. "He keeps following me wherever I go along with my counterparts! I swear, it's like he's a stalker! Not only that, but I also told him that I'm not interested in him, and yet he keeps asking me to marry him without any question! What's more, he keeps doing this every single time! I know he's really stubborn and arrogant, but this is taking things too far!" she yelled.

Irisviel didn't say anything as she waited for Arturia to calm down from her ranting. "All right. Are you feeling a bit better now that you got that out of your system?"

"Yeah. It embarrasses me to say this, but I feel much better now," Arturia replied. "Anyways, even after Shirou arrived here, Gilgamesh still asks me to marry him."

"I see...that is a seem to have quite the stalker here..."

"Indeed Irisviel."

Irisviel then stopped writing on her clipboard and placed it down on her knees. "Arturia, have you tried anything to get away from him?"

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