Batsu Game

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"Say, has Da Vinci been acting weird lately?" Ritsuka asked Mashu as he along with her were sitting at a coffee table together.

"I don't know. Why are you asking me senpai?" Mashu asked.

"Well lately, I've been seeing her asking the chefs of Chaldea for some samples of miso soup and heading towards a room immediately afterwards. Furthermore, when I try to call out to her, all I've ever received was her tired and grumpy face with her saying, "Not now Ritsuka, I'm busy.""

Mashu was surprised at Ritsuka's explanation. "Really?"

"Yeah. I think this is the first time Da Vinci's kept me out of the loop of something."

"Wow. Da Vinci-san keeping you out of the loop of something...whatever she's doing, it must be something quite important to her."

"Indeed. What could it be though?"

Meanwhile, Da Vinci was carrying the samples of miso soup made from the various chefs of Chaldea, which included Shirou, EMIYA, Minamoto-no Raikou, Beni-enma, Tamamo-No Mae, Boudica, Arthur, and many more. As she continued to carry the samples of miso soup to a room she claimed for today, one thought came into her mind.

"Man. I can't believe that I'm actually doing this experiment...and to think it all started from that comedy show that I watched a while back..." she thought as a memory that happened earlier came into her mind.

(A while ago...)

Da Vinci was in her room, thinking about ideas, theories, experiments, or anything that came into her mind. "Hmm...there are so many things to think about today..." she thought as she was relaxing on her favorite chair, holding her favorite mug that has her favorite brand of coffee in it. "Wonder what should I do today..." Da Vinci then looked around her workshop, looking for the many things that could interest her for the time being.

Watching Kamen Rider Wizard? Nope, she's already done with the series and is now watching Kamen Rider Ex-Aid.

Reading a book? She's already read her entire bookshelf and knows every story and how it ends.

Listening to music? She's already listened to every bit of classical music CD and record that was in her room.

Inventing something new? She's completely fresh of ideas right now.

Da Vinci let out a sigh as every option she had are considered useless now. "Well, guess I could see what's on Chaldea TV at the moment." She then got out from her chair and headed towards where the remote control to her workshop's TV was. Soon, she booted the TV up and it was then that she started to flip through a few channels. As she did, she ended up on a channel that had something that interested her.

That something was Gaki No Tsukai, a comedy show, and it was hosting an episode of its kiki series.

"Hm...this looks interesting. Maybe I'll give this a go," she thought as he looked at the show with growing interest.

Soo, Da Vinci watched five guys trying to taste something and getting the right brand. She watched one guy guessing which brand was which and started a chain of correct guesses. However, it was then that he met his doom when he tasted his next sample.

"The chocolate that I ate is not Ghana Milk Chocolate!" the man in the television said, hoping to get the right answer.

However, in an instant, a buzzer sound appeared, and the entire room went red, symbolizing that he got the wrong answer. He kneeled and let out a scream in despair as he was about to receive the punishment for his failure.

"Oh dear, I wonder what's going to happen to him?"

In an instant, a man in a black devil costume appeared holding a trident. He yelled, "You don't deserve the sweetness of chocolate!" while using his a blow dart gun, shooting what seems to be a plastic pellet into the other man's butt, making him scream in pain.

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