Cat Ears

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Shirou let out a deep sigh at the situation he was in right now.

Which was him...with cat ears on his head that match his hair color. And they weren't fake as well. They were real.

Shirou couldn't help but curse inside right now. "I can't believe this happened...and to think it all started from a simple clean up..." he thought as his mind went back to the event that created his current condition.

(A while ago...)

"Jeez! Just how many inventions did you create while we were gone Da Vinci?!" Olga Marie asked as she was carrying a box filled with a portion of Da Vinci's inventions.

"Hm...I don't know!" Da Vinci replied with a smile on her face.

Olga Marie let out a sigh. "Be serious for once!"

"I am! I seriously lost count!"

Romani let out a chuckle. "Even now, Da Vinci still hasn't changed when it comes to making inventions..."

Right now, Shirou, Romani, and Olga Marie were in Da Vinci's room, cleaning it up from the many inventions she had created over the years in Chaldea. What happened was that one day, Olga Marie took a closer look at Da Vinci's room and was horrified at how much of a mess it was.

Which caused Olga Marie to issue an order for her to clean up her room. Shirou and Romani happened to get involved with this as well because they were there at the time.

Hence, the situation they were in right now.

"Hmph. I still can't believe that you created all these inventions, and Shirou was the one that helped you test them out first. Not only that, but I also heard that you sold one of them onto the market in Chaldea! Is that true?!" Olga Marie asked.

Da Vinci let out a smile! "Yeah! Thanks to the hoverboard I've built and Shirou tested, I've managed to improve Chaldea's funding!"

Olga Marie let out a sigh. "What the heck? Just what kind of stuff have you've been creating during my supposed passing?" she asked while twitching at the same time.

"Well...a lot of...various stuff..."

Olga Marie sighed again. "Whatever, let's just finish cleaning up Da Vinci's room. The sooner, the better."

Shirou and Romani nodded as they continued to organize some of the inventions into many pieces. As they did, Romani then started to talk to Shirou.

"Hey Shirou, can I ask you something?" Romani asked.

"Sure. What is it?" Shirou replied.

"Well...aside from the hoverboard that I saw earlier, what other inventions did Da Vinci created while I was gone?"

For a moment, Shirou didn't say anything as he slightly turned to the opposite direction of Romani. "Well...let's just say...they're something that shouldn't even be possible in this era, and yet somehow exists here now."

Romani was confused by Shirou's words. "What do you mean by that?"

"Well...let me just say...the inventions she created...were based off from tv shows that master watched before he applied for Chaldea."

"Is that so?"


Shirou and Romani then continued back to their cleaning duties. As they did, Romani had a few thoughts going through his head. "Something that shouldn't even be possible in this era, and yet somehow exists here...and all of them were based off from tv shows that Ritsuka watched before he applied for Chaldea...what are they?"

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