Conversations With The Emiya Family

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It was one thing seeing your dead adopted father alive in the flesh although with a few major alterations, but seeing him as a heroic spirit?

That was something Shirou did not expect.

What's more is that he's also a counter guardian.

A protector of humanity.

An agent of Alaya, the will of humanity.

The same as heroic spirit EMIYA and EMIYA Alter.

This was Shirou's thoughts about heroic spirit EMIYA (Assassin) after meeting him for the first time and going with him on a few singularities with him.

And one of their stories...

Shirou was in a ruin of a town with Ritsuka, Mashu, and EMIYA (Assassin) as they were trying to find the cause of the singularity in the era they were in.

During that time, Shirou was trying to find a way to start a conversation with EMIYA (Assassin).

But like always, his E-rank luck seems to get into the way of things.

In the form of ambushes from monsters/shadow servants and some other things as well.

As so, Shirou could barely get any time to talk to him.

Up until now.

Right now, Shirou, Ritsuka, Mashu, and EMIYA (Assassin) were resting at the ruins as night has fallen upon them. Ritsuka and Mashu fell asleep early because of exhaustion of earlier battles. As Shirou looked at them, he then covered them with his white kimono to prevent them from catching a cold.

"'re going to catch a cold at this rate along with Mashu..." Shirou thought as he looked at them sleeping peacefully. As he looked at them, he noticed that EMIYA (Assassin) was missing. "Where did Kiritsugu go?" he thought as he looked around the area nearby him.

As so, he noticed him on top of the rubble of a building.

"Ah. There he is," he thought as he began to walk towards him.

It was one thing seeing your family members from alternate timelines in which included three little girls (one which is a magical girl, the other is the other side of the magical girl manifested by acquiring a class card, an alternate version of the first girl who happened to be a pseudo servant vessel), a homunculus who happened to be your wife in an alternate timeline who is also the vessel of the holy grail, three versions of your adoptive son from alternate timelines, and apparently a little girl who happened to be one of said adoptive sons' little sister from an alternate timeline.

And then there's the servant in the tiger animal pajamas who would be considered the caretaker of the family in one timeline.

The funny thing about all of that is...each of those timelines didn't have him become a counter guardian.

And for Kiritsugu (AKA EMIYA Assassin), it was quite a thing to hold grasp of.

"Man...still can't believe that I have this many family members from alternate timelines. It's just...way to crazy to wrap all of this around..." he thought as he looked up at the moon and the stars in the night.

As he was looking up at the night sky, he didn't notice Shirou coming over to his side and sitting next to him.

"'s you...Shirou wasn't it?" EMIYA (Assassin) said as he looked at him.

"Yeah...old man..." Shirou replied as he sat down.

For a while, silence came between the two and it was getting awkward.

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