Swapping Gender

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"Bzz! Bzz!"

Shirou moaned as he heard his alarm clock from the nearby stand right next to his bed. He then raised his hand to proceed to turn it off. "Mnnnh...it's already morning?" Shirou thought to himself as he got out of bed. As he did, he then went into the bathroom to refresh himself for the morning.

However, when he was about to do so, he then looked in the mirror, and noticed something.

His face and hair looked different. His facial features looked more feminine and his hair was longer, reaching to the half of his back. Not only that, but his hands were small, the calluses gained from continuous practice, gone.

And that wasn't the end. When he looked down at himself, he noticed that his body has changed as well.

In which case, he now has the body of a female supermodel in which he has breasts that were noticeable along with the butt as well.

At that point, Shirou had one thought to himself.


Shirou sighed as he was walking in one of Chaldea's hallway with nearly everyone gazing at him. Right now, in order to adjust to his current situation, he was wearing the white kimono he was using as a cape of sort fully as his normal outfit shows his body off. "Jeez. Just how did I wake up to this? I mean, I haven't even done anything that would have an effect like this on me! Who or what did this to me?! I swear, I'm going to ask Da Vinci later to see if this is the result of one of her experiments..."

As Shirou was walking, he eventually stopped by the cafeteria...which included Arturia and her counterparts, Ishtar and her counterparts, Parvati, Kama, BB and her sisters, Illya and her counterparts, Miyu, Astraea, Irisviel, Kiritsugu, Jaguar-man, EMIYA, and EMIYA Alter.

And they were shocked when they saw Shirou in this state.









Shirou sighed as he heard the reactions from everyone that were in the cafeteria. "Well, guess I'm going to explain how I ended up like this now..." he thought as he entered the cafeteria. For a short while, there was silence in the air as everyone was in awe and were trying to process the sight in front of them.

Then one person decided to speak out.

"Um...Shirou...can you explain what has happened to you?" Kiritsugu asked.

"Well honestly...I don't know," Shirou replied as he sat down on a chair.

"But how though?! How did something like this happen to you?!" Jaguar-man asked dramatically.

"I don't know. All I remember is that I was normal last night, went to bed as usual, and suddenly, I wake up this morning as a girl! Honestly, I did not expect anything like this to happen!"

"I see. What did you do yesterday? There could be some clues in there over what could happen," Irisviel said.

"Hmm...I was practicing my swordsmanship in the training room. As I did, it was then that I took a break and went by to the rest area and grabbed my water bottle."

"I see. Was there anything suspicious about your water bottle?"

"Not quite actually. It tasted normal."

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