Teaching Sieg How to Cook

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Shirou was at the kitchen countertop, minding his own business as he was cleaning the dishes. As he was washing the dishes, he then noticed a certain person coming into the cafeteria.

That person was Sieg, the bearer of Siegfried's heart, and the master of the Rider of Black in the Greater Grail War.

"Hey there Shirou," Sieg said.

"Oh. Hey there Sieg. Do you want something?" Shirou asked as Sieg got closer to one of the tables and sat down.

"Yeah, but it seems that you're busy with something actually. I'll wait if you like."

"No. I don't mind. I can hear your problems while I'm working if you want," Shirou replied as he placed a wet plate down the dryer. "So, do you have any problems in Chaldea right now?"

"Well...I'm not sure if you would call this a problem but hear me out."

"What is it?"

Sieg took a deep sigh before continuing the conversation. "I want you to teach me how to cook."

Shirou was a little shocked for a moment before he continued washing the dishes. "You want to learn how to cook?"



"Well, it's quite simple actually. You see, I've been recently reading a few of Chaldea's magazines, and some of those magazines said that one way to show appreciation to the person that you love is to prepare something for her that she will enjoy eating. And plus, I feel like repaying her for all the help she gave me."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah..." Sieg said with a smile as he remembered his first meeting with her and the many times she helped him and taught him many things. "She was one of the many people that turned me into what I am right now. If it hadn't been for her, my life would have turned out differently in a bad way."

Shirou let out a chuckle. "Sounds like you cherish her, don't you?"

"You can say that again. Anyways, can you help me?"

Shirou gave Sieg's question some thought. After a few seconds, he gave him his reply. "Sure. Next week, I'll give you a lesson on cooking. Okay?"

"Yes! Where and when are we going to do it though?" Sieg asked.

"Hm...how about next week? Right here. Make sure to bring some cooking utensils just in case."

"Okay! Thanks Shirou!" Sieg said as he prepared himself to leave the cafeteria.

"No problem Sieg."

A week has passed since Shirou promised Sieg that he would teach him how to cook, and today was the day that Sieg was going to have his first cooking lesson with Shirou.

And Sieg was excited a bit.

Right now, Sieg was walking down the hallway, minding his own business with a smile on his face as he was holding a bunch of cooking utensils in his hands. However, as he was in his own world, minding his own business, it was then he bumped into a certain servant, dropping his cooking utensils in the process.

Gawain, one of the Knights of the Round, and the Knight of the Sun.

"Oh. Sorry. It seems that I wasn't aware of my surroundings," Sieg apologized.

"Apologies accepted. Rather, it was I that was not aware of my surroundings. What is your name?" Gawain asked.

"S-Sieg. My name is Sieg," Sieg greeted.

"I see. Nice to mee you Sieg. My name is Gawain, Knight of the Round, and the Knight of the Sun," Gawain greeted.

"A knight of the round...that means you know Mordred, don't you?"

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