Meeting Between Masters

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"Master...what is this?" Shirou asked as he looked at the room.

"Well...this seems to be one of Da Vinci's plans..." Ritsuka replied.

"Da Vinci? Are you talking about the woman that claims to be a genius?" Sieg asked.


"Well then, that would explain how all of us are in this room right now...and with that low table over there," Hakuno replied as she looked at the low table in the middle of the room.

Right now, Shirou, Ritsuka, Hakuno, and Sieg were in a special room designed by Da Vinci in which the room looked like a room of a Japanese ryokan. The floor was designed to look like tatami mats, there were tokonoma in some parts of the rooms, there were four chairs behind a shoji, there was a window that allowed everyone to see outside of Chaldea, fusuma, a mini fridge, television, and a bathroom. In the middle of the room was a low table that had a portable stove and a giant hot pot.

And the hot pot has some broth in there.

Ritsuka let out a sigh. "Da Vinci, you sure went overboard with this room. There's even a working hot pot there! And with broth as well! Just what are you up to..."

(A while ago...)

Da Vinci was in her room, checking out some servant files on her laptop. As she, she left out some certain ones for future reference and read them exclusively.

And those certain files were about Shirou, Hakuno, Sieg, and Ritsuka.

"Emiya Shirou. The master of Saber of the Fifth Fuyuki Grail War in his timeline. Sole survivor of The Great Fuyuki Fire. The adopted son of Kiritsugu Emiya, who is also known as the "Magus Killer", the adopted brother of Illyasviel Von Einzbern, and the younger self of EMIYA. His Saber servant was Arturia Pendragon, the King of Knights. His magecraft is Gradiation Air, and he can project noble phantasms that are not a divine construct. However, unlike normal Gradiation Air, Shirou's magecraft has been heavily altered because of his fusion with Sengo Muramasa, which he happened to meet during his travels. His noble phantasms is the Tsumugari Muramasa, an anti-reality and anti-divinity noble phantasm that can cut through bonds, fate, causality, and destiny, and slice through the idea of karma itself. It is a recreation of the Kusanagi-no Tsurugi, the sword that came out from the tail of Yamata-no Orochi from the age of gods. His other noble phantasm is a realty marble." Da Vinci thought as she read through Shirou's file.

She then moved onto another file, which was Sieg's file.

"Sieg. A homunculus created by the Yggdmillennia family as one of their many homunculi suited to various purposes. Became the second master of Astolfo, one of the twelve paladins and the Rider of Black in the Greater Grail War in his timeline after his first master was beheaded by Mordred Pendragon. Afterwords, he engaged in multiple battles during the Greater Grail War and won the war itself. He doesn't know any magecraft, but he knows swordsmanship because his body contained the heart of Siegfried, the dragon slayer. It was given to him when Siegfried willingly gave his heart to him. As a result, he can turn into Siegfried himself. His noble phantasm is Akafiloga Argrise, Incandescent Dragon's Breath・Earth Liquefaction, which involves him turning into a dragon, although he himself doesn't know."

She then moved onto the third file, which was Hakuno's file.

"Hakuno Kishinami. An NPC from the Moon Cell, which is a supercomputer on the room from another universe. She was originally human, but because of a disease she was suffering with, she would be cryogenically frozen until treatment became possible. However, due to her world's technological stagnation, no progress was made, and he/she remained in this state for 30 years until she entered the Moon Cell. Became the master of Saber, Caster, and Archer of the Moon Holy Grail War. Her Saber servant was Nero, her Caster Servant was Tamamo No Mae, and her Archer servants were Gilgamesh and Nameless, which according to her words, is apparently an alternate version of EMIYA from her timeline. She won the Moon Holy Grail War and was about to disappear. However, due to and rampant A.I named BB, she was teleported to the far side of the moon before so along with the other masters, restarting the war all over again. Like before, she came out as the last master and won. Her noble phantasm is unknown."

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