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"Phew! Mission complete!" Ritsuka said as he, Mashu, and Saber Arturia returned to Chaldea by rayshifting. As they arrived at Chaldea's summoning room, Arturia let out a huge sigh.

"Hm? Arturia-san, are you okay?" Mashu asked.

"Hm? Oh. Yeah, I'm fine Mashu," Arturia replied.

"Are you sure? It looks like you don't look so good," Ritsuka said.

"Don't worry, I'm fine master. Anyways, I need to go to the cafeteria now. Do you mind if I go there?"

"No. You can go now."

"Thank you master." Arturia then left for the cafeteria immediately. As she left, Ritsuka and Mashu were left alone in Chaldea's summoning room.

"Do you think I may be overworking Arturia a bit lately today?" Ritsuka asked.

"Why do you think so senpai?" Mashu replied.

"Well lately, she's been forcing herself to work harder. And there were times where I would see her not taking a break during any of the time where we would take a break."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. What do you think is the problem with Arturia's recent behavior?"

For a moment, Ritsuka and Mashu were pondering with the question that they came up with. As they did, they were thinking of any reason why Arturia was acting like this lately, and they weren't able to think of an answer.

It was then that a certain servant popped out of nowhere.

"Hello!" the servant said from behind Ritsuka and Mashu.

Ritsuka and Mashu jumped upon hearing the servant's voice behind their backs. As they turned around to see who said that, it was Merlin. "Merlin?! Jeez, where did you come from?!" Ritsuka asked in surprise.

"From behind you. Isn't that obvious?" Merlin replied with a smile on his face.

Ritsuka sighed. "I'll never understand Merlin and what's he up to..."

"Anyway, what seems to be the problem master?"

"'s about your old student, Arturia," Ritsuka replied.

"Which one?"

"The original. We think there's something wrong with her lately."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, lately, Arturia-san had been working herself a bit too much lately. Not only that, but the look on her face says that she's worried about something. Do you have any idea what that means Merlin-san?" Mashu asked.

Merlin then gave Mashu's question a long thought. " student seems to be revisiting her old habits again...but for what? She doesn't sound like she's in a bad mood, and she's already moved on. So, what is it that is making her revisit her old habits like this..."

As Merlin continued thinking, a thought just came to his head.

"Hey master, can I ask you a question?" Merlin asked Ritsuka.

"Uh...sure. What is it?" Ritsuka replied.

"When was the last time Arturia has spent any time with Shirou?"

"Hm...probably a few days ago, I guess? Why?"

Merlin let out a sigh. "Shirou. I swear, you have a factor that most teenage boys would kill to get. And that factor would be the chick magnet factor. I don't know how you do it, but you somehow manage to attract girls like moths to a flame. Just how though? You're making me even jealous, and it's not even on purpose..."

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