Cuddles and Lap Pillows

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"Shirou! Is the food ready?" Ritsuka asked.

"Almost. Just give it a few more minutes master," Shirou replied.


Shirou then went back to the campfire along with the pot of stew he had been cooking earlier. Right now, it was nighttime and Shirou oversaw cooking duty while Ritsuka watched the stew cook itself. Meanwhile, Lancer Arturia Alter and Mashu oversaw gathering firewood and anything else edible to eat.

Ritsuka looked at the stew in wonder. "Wow. Even in the forest here, Shirou can cook up a meal...and he can trace not only weapons, but household items as well..."

"Is there something wrong master?"

"Hm? Ah, it's nothing."

"Okay then," Shirou said as he focused back to the stew. "Wonder how the others are doing?"

Meanwhile, Mashu was kind of struggling as she was carrying small logs of wood. "Wonder if this is enough..." she thought. She then went up to Lancer Arturia Alter, who was holding her share of the wood. "Is this enough?"

"Hm...that should be enough at least," Lancer Arturia Alter replied. "Anyways, let's hurry back to the campsite where Shirou and master are."


Lancer Arturia Alter and Mashu then went to the campsite where Shirou and Ritsuka were. As they arrived, they smelled the scent of the stew Shirou was cooking.

And it smelled good. Lancer Arturia Alter was drooling a tiny bit before Ritsuka got her attention.

"You got the wood everyone?" Ritsuka asked.

"Yes!" Mashu said.

"Y-Yeah..." Lancer Arturia Alter said.

"Great. Then put it in the fire where Shirou's at."

Lancer Arturia Alter and Mashu then went over where Shirou was and placed the wood into the fire. As they did that, the flames grew a bit, making them move back a bit.

"Okay. Now all that's left to do is to wait for the stew to boil and everything will be done..." Shirou thought as he looked at the pot.

As Shirou was staring at the pot, Ritsuka, Mashu, and Lancer Arturia Alter were chatting with each other.

"Still though, even in the woods, Shirou-san sure knows what to cook with what ingredients there are in the woods," Mashu said.

"Yeah. And the fact that he even traced the pot, bowls, and utensils for us to use. Shirou is quite thoughtful," Ritsuka said.

"You can say that again. Although can Shirou hurry up with the food? I'm getting hungry from the aroma itself..." Lancer Arturia Alter said with a hint of moaning.

Ritsuka chuckled. "Just wait Lancer Alter, Shirou said he'll be done within a few more minutes."

"Okay master..."

Meanwhile Shirou was watching the stew, and it was done. "Everyone, the stew is ready!" he said.

Soon, everyone went over to where Shirou was, especially Lancer Arturia Alter. Shirou then gave everyone a bowl and a spoon for each person to use. Then he brought out a ladle he traced earlier and scooped up some of the stew that was in the pot and handed them out to everyone.

Soon, everyone started to eat the stew Shirou made, and everyone enjoyed it.

"Delicious! This is good Shirou-san!" Mashu said.

"Yeah! Even in the woods, you can cook up a meal like this!" Ritsuka said as he took a sip of his stew.

"As expected from my scabbard and queen," Lancer Arturia Alter said with pride as she eagerly finished her bowl of stew. "More Shirou," she said as he held up her empty bowl to Shirou.

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