Helping a Friend Out

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Shirou was in the cafeteria, preparing himself for his duties in the cafeteria. "Phew. Today will be a rush as usual, especially when it comes to Arturia and her counterparts...they can quite stomach the amount of food here. Well, at least Chaldea does have the amount of food to feed everyone here, or else this place would have been gone earlier..."

As Shirou continued preparing himself, it was then that a certain servant came in.


Shirou turned around to see who called him out earlier. As he did, he saw Amakusa Shirou Tokisada coming into the room with a smile on his face.

"Hm? Oh, hey Amakusa. What brings you here?" Shirou asked as he placed a washed plate on the drying rack.

"Well...there's a favor I have for you. Would you mind hearing it out?"

"I don't mind. So what is this favor you're asking me for?"

"Well...can you teach me to cook?"

Shirou was surprised. "What? You want me to teach you how to cook?"


"But why?"

"Well..." Amakusa said as his mind went back to what happened a few days ago...

(A few days ago...)

Amakusa Shirou and Semiramis were relaxing on a couch in one of Chaldea's recreational rooms. As they were relaxing with one each other, Amakusa Shirou asked Semiramis something.

"Hey Semiramis. Can I ask you something?"

"What is it Shirou?"

"Do you have a birthday?"

"A birthday? What is that? Enlighten me on what a birthday is."

Amakusa smiled. "A birthday is the anniversary of the birth of a person, or figuratively of an institution. Birthdays of people are celebrated in numerous cultures, often with birthday gifts, birthday cards, a birthday party, or a rite of passage."

"Is that so? So, it's like a celebration for a person's day of birth. That does sound interesting actually."


"But why are you asking me this?"

"No reason. I just feel like asking you that question. That is all."

"I see..."

As Amakusa Shirou and Semiramis continued relaxing on the couch, Semiramis suddenly had an idea plopped into her head.

"You know, the idea of a birthday seems to be quite interesting. I wish to have one as well now."

"Really? You never experienced a birthday before?"

"Yeah. In fact, right now, I'm declaring that next week will be my birthday, so I will be expecting something grand in my honor as empress. Don't disappoint me, my former master," Semiramis said with a smile.

Amakusa Shirou smiled back. "As you wish."


And the two then continued relaxing on the couch. As they did, Amakusa Shirou was having thoughts about Semiramis's earlier declaration. "A birthday party for Semiramis huh? Well that may sound interesting...guess I can do a private dinner party between the two of us. I could ask master to rent out a room for us in Chaldea and make the event a secret. Which leaves the big question, what should I do about the food?"

After a few minutes on pondering the main question about the food, he had one solution.

"Well, guess I could ask Emiya Shirou about this..."

What happens when you summon Emiya Shirou in ChaldeaWhere stories live. Discover now