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Ritsuka let out a yawn as he opened his eyes. As he did, he rose from the bed and looked at the alarm clock. "Hm...guess I didn't oversleep this time," he thought. He then got out of his bed and headed towards the bathroom, getting himself ready for the day.

After he was done with his daily routine in the bathroom and changing his clothes to wearing Chaldea's uniform mystic code, he was ready for the day. He then headed towards the front door of his room and when it opened by itself, he was greeted with Mashu in front of him.

"Good morning senpai," Mashu said with a smile on her face.

"Good morning Mashu," Ritsuka replied with a smile on his face as well.

"What do want to do today senpai? Do you want to go to the cafeteria? Or do you want to go to the training room?"

Ritsuka gave Mashu's question some thought and replied, "Well, I want to go to the summoning room."

Mashu was a little confused upon hearing Ritsuka's answer. "Eh? The summoning room? This early senpai?"


"But why?"

"Well, I just want to do something different today. And for some reason...I have a feeling that if I do a summoning right now, I might get something good."

Mashu was still confused with Ritsuka's answer, but still went along with it. "Okay senpai! Let's go then!"

Soon, Ritsuka and Mashu headed towards the summoning room. As they arrived, Ritsuka pulled off his usual routine and pulled out his saint quartz and summoning tickets he gathered up from the last summoning he did. "Well, as usual, let's see what I'm going to get..."

Soon, Ritsuka placed the saint quartz onto the summoning alter and activated it. As he did, the alter lit up, temporarily blinding the two from how bright the light was. The saint quartz then disappeared, then formed into multiple blue orbs. Then the blue orbs started to connect with each other and turned into a ring of blue sparks swirling around. Then the ring split into three and continued to swirl around.

As the light died out, it revealed a gold card showing a robed old man wearing a hood with a long beard holding a staff while carrying a book at the same time. However, when the card disappeared, it revealed a certain person both Ritsuka and Mashu would never think to see him again.

That person was Romani Archman, Chaldea's doctor and formally known as Solomon, the king of mages.

Ritsuka's jaw nearly hit the floor as he stood there, shocked. "I-It can't be...?!" he thought as he looked at the familiar orange hair, the slightly panicked/joyful emerald eyes, and the lab coat he always wore. Meanwhile, Mashu felt like she was going to cry upon seeing Romani again.

"Wow. I did not expect this to happen. Guess I did enough to qualify as a hero, even in my current state. Anyways, servant caster, Romani Archman, at your service," Romani said with a smile.

However, nobody didn't move or say anything, worrying Romani for a bit. "H-Hey! Why are all of you staring at me like that?" he asked as he waved his hands in front of them to get their attention.

At that moment, both Ritsuka and Mashu immediately lunged towards him, giving him one tight, but well-deserved hug. "DOCTOR! WELCOME BACK!" they exclaimed happily.

Romani let out a smile. "Yeah. I'm back. How are you two doing?"

"We're doing great doctor!" Mashu exclaimed happily.

"I see. What did I miss?"

Ritsuka let out a sigh. "A lot of things Romani. So much stuff happened that I want to talk to you about."

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