Tea Party

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"Onii-chan! More sweets please!" Illya requested.

"Me too!" Kuro said as well.

"I want some as well," Miyu said.

"I need a refill on tea too," Sitonai said.

"All right, all right," Shirou said as he went into the kitchen to prepare and get more cookies, cakes, tarts, and many more sweets.

Right now, Shirou was in a tea party with Illya, Sitonai, Kuro, Miyu, Jack the Ripper, Nursery Rhyme, Abigail, and Jeanne D'arc Alter Santa Lily in Chaldea's cafeteria. He was in charge with preparing the tea and sweets for the little servants for the whole day. As Shirou brought over the tea and sweets for the servants, he thought back to the events that brought him here.

"Man. Illya and the others sure got me this time..." he thought...

(A few hours earlier...)

Shirou was walking down Chaldea's hallway, minding his own business, when suddenly, he felt a pair of hands hugging him on the back.

"Onii chan!"

Shirou recognized that voice and turned around to see Illya.

"I-Illya? What is it?" he asked.

"Onii chan. Can you come to today's tea party with Sitonai, Kuro, Miyu, and my friends?" Illya asked as she released Shirou from her hug.

"Tea party?"

"Yeah! It's going to be fun!" Illya exclaimed excitedly.

Shirou thought about it and said, "I don't know Illya..."



"Pleeaaasssseeeee?" She said with puppy eyes.

As soon as Shirou saw Illya's puppy eyes, Shirou immediately felt his resistance weaken. No matter how many times he has seen that face, he still cannot resist Illya's puppy eyes look. "Oh root, there it is. The puupy eyes. I swear, I need to improve on my resistance to those type of eyes. And not just from Illya, but also from Saber as well when she wants food. But still..."

After a few moments of silence, Shirou reluctantly agreed.

"Okay," he said.

"Yes!" Illya exclaimed excitedly as she tugged on Shirou's arm. "Now come on! You don't want to keep them waiting!"

She then dragged him to the cafeteria. Over there, Shirou saw Sitonai, Kuro, and Miyu along with some other servants that he doesn't know yet on the table eating sweets and drinking tea.

"Ah! Onii-chan!" Sitonai, Kuro, and Miyu said in happiness. "Have you decided to join us?"

"Y-Yeah..." Shirou said nervously. "Uh Illya, who are they?" he said as he noticed the four other girls in the cafeteria.

"Hm? Oh, I forgot! Let me introduce you to them onii-chan!" Illya replied as she left Shirou's side. "The girl with the black hat and twin tails is Nursery Rhyme, the girl with the black hat and orange bowties is Abigail Williams, the girl in the black robes is Jack the Ripper, the girl wearing green is Paul Bunyan, and finally, the girl with the silver headpiece is Jeanne De Arc Alter Santa Lily!"

For a small moment, there was silence in the cafeteria until Illya gestured them to introduce each other.

"Huh? Oh, I'm Emiya Shirou. Illya's, Sitonai's, Kuro's, and Miyu's older brother. Nice to meet you four."

"Eh? Oh! Uh...nice to meet you too Mr. Shirou!" Abigail said.

"Yeah! Nice to meet you too!" Nursery Rhyme replied as well.

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