Reaction Prank

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n Chaldea, there are three servants that are well-known for being the pranksters of the place.

Merlin, Irisviel, and Da Vinci if she wants to.

In Merlin's case, everyone in Chaldea is practically a target to his shenanigans.

In Irisviel's case, her family is the target for her shenanigans.

And in Da Vinci's case, both Shirou and Ritsuka are the target for her shenanigans.

Normally, they just mind their own business and don't interact with each other's shenanigans. However, when those three joins together...

May the root have mercy on Chaldea...especially for the victim or victims of the combined prank from them...

"So, Da Vinci, why did you ask me and this lovely lady over here to come to your workshop?" Merlin asked.

"Merlin, I know that you are part incubus and all, but don't try to seduce me! I'm already taken by my husband of course!" Irisviel said cheerfully. "Anyways, why did you ask me to come here Da Vinci?"

Da Vinci let out a smirk. "Before I give all of you the answer, let me ask all of you a question. Do you mind?"

"No. I don't mind," Merlin said.

"So do I," Irisviel said.

Da Vinci's smirk grew even further. "Do all of you remember that Japanese comedy show that appeared on Chaldea TV lately and how I've been starting to watch it?"

For a moment, all of them were wondering what Da Vinci was talking about until Merlin realized what Da Vinci was talking about. "Ah. You mean Gaki-No Tsukai, right?"

"Yes. That show," Da Vinci said.

"I've heard about that show and seen a few segments from it. But why are you asking us about it?" Irisviel asked.

"Well, you ever heard of the haunted building segment that they do once a year?"

Irisviel nodded in reply. "Yeah. I've heard of it. But why though?"

" would all of you like to live through that experience?"

At that moment, Merlin and Irisviel immediately knew what she was talking about and gave her their replies.

"Oi oi. Sorry, but that's not my thing. I prefer to be the prankster, thank you," Merlin replied.

"Me too. It's more fun to pull shenanigans," Irisviel replied.

"That's not what I meant. I'm asking you if you want to watch with me the scare the person I have in mind in the haunted room I'm creating."

"Ho? And who is this person you have in mind for scaring?"

Da Vinci smirked again. "Isn't it obvious? Shirou and Ritsuka of course!"

For a moment, both Merlin and Irisviel were confused with Da Vinci's answer. "Shirou and master?" they said in unison.


"Why though? Why do you want to put my son and his master into a haunted room of your creation?" Irisviel asked.

Da Vinci let out a sigh. "BECAUSE I'M BORED! THAT'S WHAT!" she exclaimed.

Merlin and Da Vinci was speechless from Da Vinci's uncharacteristic outburst. "Eh?" they said in unison.

"You heard me! I'm bored! Recently, it felt like every day is the same day! Every day, Ritsuka just wakes up, eats breakfast, does paperwork, then has lunch, then does training, then eats dinner, then hits the showers, and then he goes to bed! And he's been at it for quite a while! And it's the same with Shirou too! I swear, I wish something would happen right now!" Da Vinci ranted.

What happens when you summon Emiya Shirou in ChaldeaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang