The Many Rules Of Chaldea

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It is an understatement to say that Chaldea has a lot of servants. Considering that various heroic spirits from various religions, cultures, timelines, and even universes live in Chaldea, one can't help but wonder how Chaldea has not crumbled from all the pressure from the various servants living there. However, like any facility, there are rules to be followed, like any servant is not allowed to kill Fujimaru Ritsuka, who is the last master of Chaldea, or do not destroy Chaldea.

Not to mention that some of the servants in Chaldea seemed to know each other and, in some cases, love or hate each other.

Thus, Chaldea has its own set of rules...

Rule 1: Never kill Fujimaru Ritsuka, or else you risk killing yourself in Chaldea because the heroic servants will notice and protect. If you're a servant, you risk being sent back to the Throne of Heroes because Ritsuka supplies the heroic spirits with mana.

Rule 2: Do not attempt to destroy Chaldea. An attempt to do so will cause the culprit to be sentenced to the 2nd archive for imprisonment.

Rule 3: The master of Chaldea must always finish the work he is given, no matter how much the work is.

Rule 4: Every servant will be assigned to their own rooms.

Rule 5: No indecent acts are done in the hallways of Chaldea.

Rule 6: Usage of magecraft in the hallways is not allowed. However, usage of magecraft is allowed in the training room.

Rule 7: Referring to rule 6, no fighting is allowed in the hallways of Chaldea. If you wish to fight, do it in the training room.

Rule 8: If you have a pet as a noble phantasm, please clean up after its messes.

Rule 9: Make sure to keep your noble phantasm to yourself at all times.

Rule 10: Make sure to clean up your own messes, which include the master, staff, and servants.

Rule 11: No one is allowed to tamper with the coffins as they are necessary to help the master and servants rayshift to singularities, unless you are Da Vinci.

Rule 12: Do not use the CHALDEAS system for something trivial.

Rule 13: Do not attempt to steal any of Chaldea's funds.

Rule 14: Do not start a food fight in Chaldea. Like mentioned earlier, Chaldea does not have an infinite number of supplies.

Rule 15: Do not commit suicide or kill someone with your own noble phantasm.

Rule 16: If your noble phantasm involves using vehicles of some sort, do not ride them around in the hallways.

Rule 17: No peaking in Chaldea's onsens. You will be labeled a pervert if doing so.

Rule 18: Do not sneak into Chaldea's kitchen's at midnight for a midnight snack.

Rule 19: Do not use your noble phantasm for mundane tasks.

Rule 20: When it is lights out in Chaldea, everyone goes to sleep. Or at least be quiet when some of the staff and servants are sleeping.

Rule 21: If you want to plan for an event, ask the director first.

Rule 22: If there are copies of a certain servant, do not steal each others' identities or class.

Rule 23: Never pair up Emiya Shirou with the King of Heroes before a singularity. Otherwise, things will turn ugly, and I mean, really ugly. The same can be said about EMIYA, EMIYA Alter, and to a certain case, Sengo Muramasa.

What happens when you summon Emiya Shirou in ChaldeaΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα