Shirou Meets Shirou

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Shirou was eating a meal by himself in Chaldea's Cafeteria.

It was then that a certain servant came into the room.

"Hey, is this seat taken?" the person said.

Shirou stopped eating and looked at the person that was talking to him. He saw a tanned-skinned youth with white hair like silver in a ponytail and with dark ageless golden eyes. He was wearing clothing that is a mixture of traditional samurai outfit with European influence. It was a jinbaori-style haori with Christianity crosses decorated on them along with a traditional umanori hakama with shin guards which had cloth straps that were used to tie the shin guards attached to his lower legs and a collar shirt underneath his kimono and a cravat-tied around his collar. He was also carrying a box.

All and all, he looked like he was from feudal Japan.

"Nope. That's seat free. You can take it if you want," Shirou replied.

"If that's the case, then I'll be sitting here then."

"If you wish."

The person then sat on the empty seat in front of him and placed the box on the table. As Shirou continued eating his meal, the person then said something.

"By any chance, are you Emiya Shirou?"

Shirou stopped eating and said, "Yes. How do you know me?"

The person cleared his throat before saying, "Sorry for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Amakusa Shirou Tokisada."

Shirou was speechless for a moment before saying, "Amakusa Shirou Tokisada? The leader of the Shimabara Rebellion?"

"Yes. I take it that you know me then."

"Yeah. You were recorded in history books throughout of Japan's history. In fact, there's even a statue of you right now."

"I see...guess after my death, I was well known then."

"Yes. Although I guess the history books were quite inaccurate about how you look. Considering that're in front of me now...and the history books drew you looking like a Japanese person...which is way different than what you look like now."

Amakusa Shirou chuckled. "I can't blame you. History tends to be a bit incorrect in some areas..."

"You have no idea," Shirou said as he remembered the first time he found out that the King of Knights was a woman. "Anyways, how do you know me?"

" seems master accidently mistook me for you apparently..." he said as he thought back to what happened earlier...

(A few minutes earlier...)

Amakusa Shirou was walking in Chaldea's hallway, heading towards the room where Ritsuka was. As he arrived at the room, he said, "You have called me master?"

Ritsuka then apologized. "Sorry, but it seems I called the wrong Shirou."

Amakusa Shirou was confused. "Wrong Shirou? Are you saying there's an alternate version of myself master?"

"Not quite actually. It's just that well, there's another servant that has the same name as you."

"Really? Who is it?"

"Emiya Shirou."

"Emiya come I never heard of him before?"

"Well, he's been working around in some areas of Chaldea and well...other servants that knew him have been keeping him..."

"I see. Then do you mind if I bring him over here?"

"Nope. I just need you to give him something," Ritsuka said as he gave Amakusa Shirou a box. "Here's what you need to give him."

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