A Maid's Duty

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In the confines of his room, Shirou was sleeping peacefully on his bed. As he was sleeping, a certain servant then came into his room quietly.

"Master. Wake up."

Shirou didn't say anything as he was still asleep.

"Master. Wake up."

Upon hearing the command a second time, Shirou mumbled and opened his eyes. As he did, he saw a certain servant that was next to him.

It was Rider Arturia Alter, who was wearing a maid outfit.

"A-Arturia?" Shirou moaned as he was waking up from his sleep.

"Call me Rider Alter in this case master," Rider Arturia Alter said.

"I see. What are you doing here in my room?" Shirou asked as he was getting up.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm here to wake you up."

Shirou was surprised. "Why? I can wake myself up you know. And why are you calling me master?"

"It's my duty as your maid for today master."

Shirou was shocked at what Rider Arturia Alter said. "What?"

"You didn't hear me correctly? It's my duty as your maid for today master," Rider Arturia Alter repeated as she folded the bed sheets while Shirou was getting dressed.

"Um...but why though? Why are you my maid for today?" Shirou asked as he was still confused with the situation around him.

"Well...it's a long story...and it involves Irisviel..." Rider Arturia said as she soon began to explain the story of how she ended up becoming Shirou's maid for today...


Irisviel was walking in the hallway of Chaldea, minding her own business as her mind was on one thing.

Her adoptive son's life.

"Hm...what should I do about Shirou? Lately, he's been working a bit too much and It's starting to influence his body and health. And no matter how many times he tells me he's okay, I can see through the injuries and exhaustion he's going through. Jeez, what am I going to do with him? From what I heard; he's been like this ever since his world's Kiritsugu's saved him from the aftermath of the Fourth Fuyuki Holy Grail War in his timeline. He could use some relaxation time you know! Wonder what should I do about that problem of his..."

As Irisviel continued walking in the hallway, she then had an idea come into her head.

"Wait. That's it! I can do that! All I need to do is find her and my plan will be complete! Oh why didn't I think of this earlier?" she thought excitedly. She then started to run in the hallway, finding the one servant she needed to fix Shirou's problem, or at least relieve him of his stress.

Soon, she found Rider Arturia Alter, who was walking in an opposite corner of the hallway Irisviel was in. As she did, she came up to her with a smile. "Hey Arturia!" she said excitedly.

"Hm? Oh, hey Irisviel. What do you want?"

Irisviel let out a smile. "I have a favor to ask of you, and it involves Shirou's wellbeing. Will you help me out?"

That immediately got Rider Arturia Alter interested. "Give me more of the details," she demanded.

Irisviel's grin grew even further as her plan was coming into place. "Well. How would you like to be Shirou's maid for a few days?"

(Back to the present...)

"And that's what happened Shirou," Rider Arturia Alter said as she was done explaining the current situation and how it all started.

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