The King's Birthday

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Shirou felt like he was going to die.

Not by battle, but by exhaustion.


Because he was cooking up a storm, literally.

"Man. This is going to be a long day..." he thought as he was in Chaldea's kitchen, cooking up multiple foods of the sort. As Shirou was preparing food on the counter, he noticed that the chicken in the oven was finished, proceeded to pull it out of the oven, and left in on a plate. He then resumed to work on the dishes he was cooking on the counter. "Hey Gawain, can you help me with carrying the finished dishes to the tables? My hands are a bit tied now."

"Yes, Queen Shirou!" Gawain excitedly replied as he carefully carried the dishes of food to the tables.

"Good. Lancelot, can you help with the decorations?"

"As you wish my queen," Lancelot replied as he started to set up the decorations around the room.

"Tristan, how are master, Mashu, Bedivere, Mordred, and Gareth doing with Saber and her alternate versions?"

"They are doing well in distracting them my queen," Tristan replied as he was carrying the bottles of drinks to the other room.

"Good. And Merlin?"

"Not sure, but he did say he got the gifts."

"Well that's a good thing," Shirou thought as he started to cook a lot of hamburgers on the grill along with fries, shakes, onion rings, and fried chicken. As Shirou was cooking, his thoughts wandered to today's event.

Why was Shirou worried about today?

Simple, it's Arturia's birthday today.

And since there were multiple Arturias in Chaldea, that means today is their birthday as well.

Which means Shirou must make a lot of food for the Arturias.

Probably a year's worth of food at least.

While Shirou was cooking, his thoughts wandered to what happened a few days earlier...

(A few days earlier...)

"Saber's birthday is in a few days?" Ritsuka, Da Vinci, and Mashu asked.

"Yes," Shirou replied.

"Which saber?" Ritsuka asked.

Shirou sighed. "Arturia."

"Okay...but why are you asking all three of us for this? Isn't this well...a private thing for only you to know about?" Da Vinci asked.

"Well...there's something I need both of your help for..."

"What is it?"

Shirou took a deep breath before saying, "Da Vinci, I need you to build a giant oven enough to house a cake the size of a dinner table. Master and Mashu, can both of you help me stall Saber and her alternate versions until the time is right?"

Ritsuka, Mashu, and Da Vinci was stunned to hear those words out of Shirou's mouth. "What?" they asked in unison.

Shirou sighed. "Yeah."

Ritsuka and Mashu just gasped and Da Vinci took a few deep breaths and mentally slapped herself to see if she was awake. And just like that, she wasn't dreaming.

"Is that too much to ask of you Da Vinci?" Shirou asked.

"Huh? Oh no, it's not that I can't make an oven as big enough to house a cake the size of a dinner table. It's just that, how are you going to do all of that, and two...don't you think you're going a bit overboard with the cake?" Da Vinci asked.

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