Chatting with The King Of Hero's

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"Hey you. Emiya Shirou."

Shirou immediately groaned, knowing that tone of voice and who would say that.

"What now Gilgamesh? I don't have time for your-" Shirou moaned as he turned around, expecting to see Gilgamesh in his golden glory and arrogance...

Only to realize that this was not the Gilgamesh he knew.

The Gilgamesh that was in front of him now was Caster Gilgamesh.

"Do you mind for a minute or so?"

Shirou was confused for a moment.

"Y-You are Gilgamesh...right?"


"Archer version or Caster version?"

"Caster version, so don't even think of any ideas. I am nothing like my counterpart over there in which I'll admit, he's too arrogant."

"You have no idea..." Shirou muttered, remembering how arrogant Archer Gilgamesh can be. "So...what do you want with me?"

"I'm here to get answers from you."

"Answers? What answers?"

"The answers to why my counterpart hates you so much," Caster Gilgamesh said.

"Well...why don't we explain this in another location. Is that okay for you?"

"Hmph. If I get the answers, I don't care. Also, make this quick, I got some work to finish later."

Shirou then took Caster Gilgamesh to one of Chaldea's recreation rooms to have their little chat. As they got there, they sat down on a vacant sofa.

"So...what do you want to talk about?" Shirou asked.

"Well, first things first, what is with the problem between my counterpart and you, Emiya Shirou?"

"'s a long story if you don't mind. You see...apparently my world's version of Gilgamesh had a thing for Arturia. What happened was that he wanted to make her his wife ever since the fourth holy grail war in my world, and that's been going on for quite a while now."

"Really now?" Caster Gilgamesh groaned with a face palm, knowing that he was going to get a headache from his archer counterpart's actions.

"Yeah, and here's when I come into the picture. During the fifth holy grail war, me and Arturia fell in love with each other and he did not take our relationship that well."

"Is that so? How well did he not take it?"

Shirou sighed. "He tried to kill me immediately on first contact."

Caster Gilgamesh looked at him in disbelief. "You're kidding me."

"I'm not. And not only that, but he even tried to kill me again during the time I was in Fuyuki's church."

"Jeez. My counterpart seems to not have any class then. I mean come on! Trying to kill somebody just because that person is dating your crush?! That's something even a mongrel wouldn't do!"

Shirou was shocked at what Caster Gilgamesh just said. "Is this really Gilgamesh?! The same Gilgamesh that tried to kill me twice when I was alive?! Okay, screw calling him another version of him, it's more like this is a different person all together!"

"Hey, speak up," Caster Gilgamesh said, snapping Shirou out of his trance.

"Sorry. It's just...that...well..."

"Let me guess. You never expected a version of Gilgamesh to act not like a complete arrogant person that just stands there every time whenever a fight happens correct?"

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