Taking Care of Fou

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"Bzz! Bzz!"

Shirou moaned as he heard the alarm clock in his room going off. He then rose from his bed and turned to the side to turn off the alarm clock. As he did, he then noticed something.

Fou was sleeping on his bed sheets, snoring softly as he was laying there on top of Shirou's bedsheets.

"Hmm...Fou huh? It's been a few days since Mashu left me in charge of him. Well, guess after getting myself ready, I'll wake him up," Shirou thought as he looked at Fou. Shirou then proceeded to move the bed covers gently and got out of his bed. He then grabbed his katana that he placed in a nearby corner of the wall and proceeded to wake Fou up.

However, before he could do so, he felt something latch onto his leg. As he looked down, he saw the thing that was latching onto his leg was Fou.

Shirou let out a small sigh. "You're quite the quick riser, aren't you Fou?"


Shirou then kneeled to a level that Fou was comfortable with and gave him his arm. "Want to get on?"

"Fou!" Fou exclaimed happily before he then began to run across Shirou's arm and headed towards on top of Shirou's head. "Fou!"

Shirou let out a sigh. "Why on my head again?"

Shirou was walking in one of the hallways of Chaldea, heading towards the cafeteria. As he continued walking, he received many stares from the other servants in which they were looking at Fou who happened to be residing on Shirou's head. Shirou let out a sigh. "I'm going to need to get used to this..."

As he continued walking, it was then that he came across Lancer Cu, who happened to be passing by.

"Hey there kid!" Cu said.

"Hey there Cu," Shirou replied.

Cu let out a grin before noticing Fou that was on his head. "Hey kid, that animal is stuck on your head again."

Shirou let out a sigh. "Yeah. It seems that Fou has taken a liking of me."

Cu chuckled. "Looks like it. So, what's with the deal with him? Isn't he supposed to be with the girl that follows master around?"

"Well...it's a long story..." Shirou said as he began to recall an event that led up to this point.


Shirou was in the cafeteria, cleaning the dishes as he was done with his duties in the cafeteria for today. As he was washing the dishes, Mashu then came into the room, holding Fou in her hands.

"Hm? Mashu? Fou?"

"Hey there Shirou-san," Mashu replied as she was coming up to where Shirou is.

"Fou!" Fou said.

"Mashu? What are you doing here? And with Fou?"

"Well...Shirou-san, I have a request to ask for you..."

"Hm? A request?"


"What is it?"

"Well...can you take care of Fou-san for a while?"

Shirou was confused with Mashu's request. "What?"

Mashu was startled for a bit. "I-Is that a no?"

"Well no. I'm just surprised by your request. Anyways, why are you asking me to take care of Fou?"

Mashu let out a small sigh. "Well, tomorrow, me and Senpai will be out on a small singularity and we won't be back for a while."

"I see. But why me though?" Shirou asked.

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