New Years Eve Party

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Ritsuka was in his room, filing some papers that Da Vinci gave him earlier. "All right, just a few more things to look at, and I'll be done with the paperwork."

As Ritsuka continued looking at the paperwork, he then turned to his alarm clock, which said 2:00 pm and the date said December 30th, 2017.

Upon looking at the date, a few memories came into Ritsuka's mind.

Especially when it came to New Year's Eve...

(Many years ago...)

"Mom...when's the soba ready..." Ritsuka moaned.

Ritsuka's mom let out a smile. "Not now sweetie. It will be ready within a few minutes. Until then, please be patient, okay?"


"Good. Now if you don't mind, can you help your father over there? I think he's stuck setting up the television over there."

"Okay!" Ritsuka replied happily. He then went into the living room where his father was, trying to set up the television on the ground as he was having trouble setting it up. "Dad!"

"Hm? Oh, hey there son. What are you doing here?" Ritsuka's father asked.

"Mom said that you needed some help here with the television," Ritsuka replied.

Ritsuka's dad let out a sigh. "How does she know?" Ritsuka's dad then got off the ground. "Yeah. Can you help me with the wires over there behind the television? I think they're entangled."

"Okay!" Ritsuka then went behind the television and checked to see what was wrong with the wires. As he was able to check to see what was wrong with the wires, he saw that the wires were entangled in many directions, causing the problem that was happening to the television in the room.

Ritsuka then went behind the television and untangled the wires. As he did, the television was working smoothly. "Okay, I think the television should work now dad."

"You sure?"

"Yes. I'm definitely sure."

"All right. Well, here goes nothing..." Ritsuka's father said as he grabbed the nearby remote. As he did, he then pressed the power button on the remote and the television turned on. "All right! It's working now! Thanks son!" he said with a smile on his face.

"No problem dad!" Ritsuka replied excitedly.

Ritsuka's dad let out a sigh of relief before smelling his wife's cooking coming into the room. "Hey, speaking of which, it seems that your mom is done with the soba."


"Yeah. In fact, I can even smell it coming in now."

"Well, that's because it is," Ritsuka's mom said as she brought over three bowls of soba to the dining table. "Dinner's ready!"

Ritsuka and his dad then went over to the dinner table and sat down on the chairs. As they did, Ritsuka smelled the soba and the soup and was in marvel over how good it looked, despite seeing it occasionally. "Wow! It looks so good!" Ritsuka said excitedly as he was about to grab his chopsticks.

However, before he could do so, his mom interrupted him.

"Ah ah. Before we can eat, we need to say our graces first so we can receive a blessing for the new year," Ritsuka's mom said.

"Oh yeah..." Ritsuka said sheepishly.

"Exactly, so let us pray for the upcoming new year first and then we can eat," Ritsuka's dad said.

Soon, Ritsuka and his family began their graces and prays for the upcoming new year. For a moment, everyone was silent as they were thinking of their wishes for the upcoming new year.

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