Kid Shirou

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Right now, it is lunch time in Chaldea's cafeteria. Normally, it meant that Shirou would be at the cafeteria catering to Arturia and her counterparts, Ishtar and her counterparts, Parvati, Kama, BB and her sisters, Illya and her counterparts, Miyu, Astraea, Irisviel, Jaguar-man, and Kiritsugu alongside with EMIYA and EMIYA Alter helping him.

However, today wasn't the usual case.

Because Shirou is not at the cafeteria yet.

And it was making Arturia and her counterparts worried.

"Shirou...what's taking you so long?" Arturia muttered.

"Relax older me, I think he's busy with something," Arturia Lily said.

"Well, let's hope what business he has will be finished soon. He can't keep all of us waiting," Arturia Alter said.

"Agreed. It's almost lunch, and I'm getting hungry..." Lancer Arturia said.

"Same..." Lancer Arturia Alter said.

"Shirou...hurry up...we're hungry here..." Ruler Arturia said.

"Shirou...where are you...?" Archer Arturia said.

"Hurry up, or else your king will get mad soon..." Rider Arturia Alter said.

"Yeah...hurry up Shirou..." Santa Arturia Alter said.

"When is Shirou going to arrive? I'm starving..." Mysterious Heroine X moaned.

"Me too...I want some of Shirou's cooking now..." Mysterious Heroine X Alter said.

"Same..." Mysterious Heroine XX moaned.

While Arturia and her counterparts were at their table, moaning when Shirou was going to arrive, Ishtar and her counterparts, Parvati, Kama, BB and her sisters, Illya and her counterparts, Miyu, Astraea, Irisviel, Jaguar-man, Kiritsugu, EMIYA, and EMIYA Alter were looking at the scene.

"Jeez. Wonder what's Emiya-kun up to now?" Ishtar said.

"I don't know. Maybe Da Vinci is keeping him for something I guess," Rider Ishtar said.

"I hope so. He's keeping everyone here waiting..." Ereshkigal said.

"Wonder what Senpai is up to?" Parvati said.

"How should I know?" Kama replied.

"Anyway, senpai should hurry up...or else I'll punish him..." BB said sadistically with a smile on her face.

"BB, please don't..." Passionlip said.

"Tch. Wonder what's taking him so long..." Meltlilith muttered.

"I don't know..." Kingprotea said.

"'s not like onii-chan to be this late..." Illya said.

"You have a point there. Usually, he would be here right now. Wonder what's keeping him busy?" Kuro replied.

"Who knows? Maybe he's busy with something again," Sitonai said.

"Even still, he's really late," Miyu said.

"Mou...what's Sherou up to now..." Astraea said.

"Shirou...onee-san is hungry right now..." Jaguar-man moaned.

"Shirou, what's taking you so long? Mom can't keep waiting forever you know..." Irisviel said.

Kiritsugu didn't say anything.

Even EMIYA and EMIYA Alter, who are in the kitchen now, were wondering why their younger self hasn't arrived yet.

"Okay, even if he may be my younger self, it's not like him to be this late...what's going on..." EMIYA thought.

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