Revenge Match

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"997...998...999...1000!" Shirou exclaimed as he was on his last sword swing. He then walked over to one of the benches in the room, grabbed a small towel he picked up earlier, and began to wipe the sweat off his face. "Whew, guess I worked up quite a sweat," Shirou thought.

Right now, Shirou was in Chaldea's training room practicing his swordsmanship along with his tracing and projection magecraft. After a few minutes of cleaning himself up, he then continued to work on his swordsmanship.

It was then that a certain blue haired lancer came into the room...

"Hey kid!" a voice said.

Shirou turned around to see Cu in his usual blue tights and carrying Gae Bolg in his arms. "Cu..."

"So, you're training here?" he asked.

"Yeah. And you?" Shirou replied.

"Same as well. And if anything, I would rather train here than train with my teacher..." Cu muttered.

"Hm? Did you say something?"

"Ah. It's something you don't need to know about."

Shirou shrugged off from what Cu just said and continued practicing his swordsmanship. As he kept swinging his sword, Cu noticed his swordsmanship swings and thought, "Wow. The kid has improved ever since the last time I fought him. Before, he wasn't even able to swing even a pipe properly, and now, he's able to actually use a sword like a real swordsman..."

And this gave Cu a certain idea.

He then came over to Shirou who was busy with swinging his sword around and said, "Hey kid, spar with me now."

Shirou stopped his training regime for a moment and said, "What?"

"You heard me. Spar with me now," Cu repeated.

"And why?"

"Because I said so. Now get yourself ready."

Shirou sighed as he knows that he can't accept "no" as answer, so he said, "All right. Let's do it in the arena over there."

Cu smiled. "Good," he said as he was twirling his spear in excitement.

Both Shirou and Cu then left the center of the training area and went to the arena inside the room. Shirou set himself up in a defensive position holding his sword. On the other side of the training area, Cu set himself up in a forward stance as his legs were parted and he held on to Gae Bolg.


"As I'll ever be..."

"Well then...don't mind if I attack first!" Cu yelled out as he lunged forward to where Shirou was. Cu then raised his spear upwards and attacked Shirou, but Shirou blocked his spear's strike with his katana. He then kicked Cu backwards and proceeded to head forward while Cu was recovering from Shirou's kick. Shirou then tried to slash Cu, but Cu blocked his strike with his spear.

Cu then set some distance between him and Shirou by pushing him backwards. Cu then proceed to strike at Shirou, but Shirou blocked his strike with a strike of his own. They then unleashed a fury of slashes against each other and then went into a defensive position after their dance of strikes. "Man, the kid definitely has improved since the last time I fought him...wonder if this is all he can do..." Cu thought.

After a few minutes of doing nothing but staying in their defensive positions, Cu then said something to Shirou.

"You know, you've improved than the last time I saw you," Cu said.

"I'll take that as a complement then," Shirou replied.

" that all you got? Just that sword in your hand? Not that I'm complaining or anything. I'm just wondering..."

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