Hunt For The Spear

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"Hey! Get back here! And that's my spear!"

"Nope! Not on my watch! And plus, you're me, so technically, it's already mine!"

"Not in this case Caster! Give it back!"


Right now, Lancer Cu was chasing his Caster counterpart throughout all of Chaldea.

And why?

Simple. Caster Cu was holding Gae Bolg in his hands, and he didn't want to part away from it.

And it all started because of Cu's napping...

(A few hours ago...)

Lancer Cu was sleeping on the couch in one of Chaldea's recreational rooms, with his spear in the corner of the couch. As he was sleeping, a servant happened to pass by.

That servant was Boudica, the Queen of Victory.

Right now, Boudica was carrying a basket of laundry after she came out of the laundry room. However, she was having a problem as the usual dryer in the laundry room was broken. "Hm, what should I do? There's this many dirty clothes that needed to by dry, but the dryer now is broken for some reason...what should I do?"

It was then that she came across Cu sleeping and then saw Gae Bolg in the corner.

"Hm...I could use that as a drying rack...I hope that Cu doesn't mind if I borrow it for a moment. I'll give it back to him later when I see him..."

And then she carefully grabbed Gae Bolg from the corner and quickly left the room.

After a few minutes of sleeping, Lancer Cu woke up from his nap with a yawn. "Man. That was a good nap..."

However, when he woke up, he noticed that Gae Bolg was missing, and he was freaking out a little bit. "Hm? Where's Gae Bolg? Who took my spear?! Where is it?! Great, if shishou or her counterpart or both of them find out that I lost Gae Bolg, they'll have my head on a silver platter...I need to find it now!"

And in an instant, Lancer Cu quickly got off the couch he was sleeping on and headed out in the hallways of Chaldea. As he was searching for Gae Bolg, he asked numerous servants to see if any of them saw his spear.

And sadly, none of them saw it.

"Tch, this is getting nowhere..." he thought as he continued walking. As he continued walking, he bumped into a certain servant.


"Oh. Hey there lancer," EMIYA said.

Lancer Cu sighed. "Hey, Archer! Have you seen my spear?"

For a moment, EMIYA was silent upon hearing Lancer Cu's question. Then he turned his head slowly and said, "I...haven't..."

At that moment, Lancer Cu knew he was lying and grabbed him by the shoulder. "Liar! Such a blunt know something, don't you!? Say it!"

EMIYA sighed as he now knew that Lancer Cu was not going to take any bullshit from him.

"All right, fine. I did see your spear."

"Where is it?!"

" seems that when you were sleeping at one the recreational rooms, Boudica came by while carrying the laundry. Apparently, what happened was that earlier, the dryer in Chaldea's laundry room was broken. Boudica was troubled by it and so...she happened to look upon your spear..."

For a moment, EMIYA was silent before Lancer Cu yelled at him.

"What?! What happened next?" Lancer Cu asked.

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