Another Aftermath

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Shirou let out an inward sigh as he was in Chaldea's interrogation room, and in front of him was Olga Marie, Romani, and Da Vinci, and next to him was Ritsuka. "Well, I knew this was going to happen to me eventually..."

"Okay Emiya Shirou, I am aware about this breach of conduct that may pose to us former maguses, but for the sake of human history and what is about to happen next in the future, we must understand the capabilities of each side, understand?" Olga Marie asked.

Shirou was slightly confused about what Olga Marie said in the middle, but still went on with it. "Yes.

"Good. Naturally, as the heir to the Animusphere family, you will get something in return as well. In the future, I will indulge you about any questions about my magecraft in the future but let us focus on this meeting right now."

"Very well. I suppose the reason for this meeting is because of what happened a few days ago?"

Olga Marie let out a sigh. "Yes. You have no idea how much of a headache you gave me because of the stunts you keep pulling off. Because of that, I have so many frustrating questions that it's not letting me go to sleep. Especially that...gundam."

"I can see that, and I suppose that master and Da Vinci are in the same boat as me considering that they're here as well?"

"Considering their role in both the mystic code and that giant mech known as a gundam, it's obvious that they will be receiving the same treatment as well," she said as she looked at both. "For the most part, all of you will answer any questions about the mystic code and gundam, and I want the entire details," Olga Marie replied before she took a drink of water from a nearby cup. "Anyways, here's my first question. It's about your magecraft, Emiya Shirou. I can see that you are able to project them from the files we read, but how are you able to do that so easily? And without any cost?"

Shirou let out a small breath of air before answering Olga Marie's question. "The reason behind how I am able to project noble phantasms is because of my special origin, which is known as sword. It allows me to understand the history of any weapon I see and replicate it. However, it all depends on how much mana I put into it."

"I see. Speaking of which, those two noble phantasms you summoned earlier...were they projections as well?"

" a way, they are, but at the same time, they are not."

Both Olga Marie and Romani were confused with Shirou's words. "What do you mean by that?" Romani asked.

"Those noble phantasms you saw earlier, they're known as Myoujingiri Muramasa: Version Kanshou and Bakuya and Rho Aias: Version Avalon. They're fused noble phantasms based on previously existing noble phantasms from knowledge I gathered. In other words...they're something I created," Shirou stated.

At that moment, Olga Marie's and Romani's eyes nearly popped out from their sockets, got out of their chairs, and slammed the tables. "WHAT?! THOSE WEAPONS EARLIER WERE SOMETHING YOU CREATED?! AND OUT OF EXISTING NOBLE PHANTASMS AS WELL?!" Olga Marie yelled in shock.

"Y-Yeah..." Shirou replied.

"Is that even possible?! I mean, making a weapon is one thing, but making one made from two already existing noble phantasms and fusing their properties together, that's unheard of before in the world of magecraft! And I'm pretty sure my ears were not damaged, but did you say Rho Aias: Version Avalon?! You're telling me you made a mix between Rho Aias: the shield used by Aias the Great and Avalon: the scabbard of Excalibur?!" Romani asked hysterically, before he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down Romani, you're going crazy again," Da Vinci said to calm him down.

"Right...sorry about that..." he said before he began to take deep breaths to calm himself down and sat back down on his chair. "Anyways, how is that even possible?"

What happens when you summon Emiya Shirou in ChaldeaWhere stories live. Discover now