Hot Springs Shenanigans

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"Eh? The hot springs?" Shirou asked.

"Yeah. Do you want to try out going to the hot springs when you're done with the dishes?"

"Well sure, but why are you asking me this?"

"Well, I figured that with all of the work that you've been doing lately, I figured that you should take a dip in the hot springs once a while. Is that okay with you?"

Shirou thought about Ritsuka's question for a moment and gave his reply.. "Sure. I could come to the hot springs when I am done with the dishes. To be honest, my body does feel sore in some areas recently, even though I am a servant, and we should not feel pain. That's funny if you ask me."

"Yeah. Anyways, check out the hot springs when you are done with the dishes. I swear, the experience over there is incredibly good!" Ritsuka said with a smile on his face as he soon began to leave the cafeteria, leaving Shirou alone.

As Shirou was alone in the cafeteria, washing the dishes, a few thoughts came into his head.

"The hot springs huh? It's been a while since I've been to one during my travels...might as well give it a go then..."

Soon, Shirou was done washing the dishes and headed out from the cafeteria and headed towards his room...

"All right, this should be the hallway master said where the hot springs are..." Shirou thought as he was following the directions Ritsuka gave him earlier. Right now, Shirou was holding a towel and a bar of soap as he was heading towards the hot springs.

Soon, he arrived at the hot springs. The appearance of the hot springs itself has two openings with curtains hanging from each of them. One of them said boy while the other said girl. And in the middle between the doors was a counter lady behind a countertop.

"This must be the place," he thought as he went up to the countertop. "Hello," he greeted.

"Hello. I take it that you want to get into the hot springs?" the counter lady asked.


"Very well. For an adult servant...the price would be 100,000 QP." Shirou then handed the counter lady 100,000 QP, which she accepted. "Thank you. Have a wonderful time in the hot springs."

Shirou then went through the boy's door and headed inside the changing room. As he did, there were many male servants that he recognized who were changing out of their clothes.

One of which was Sieg.

"Hey there Shirou," Sieg greeted.

"Hey there Sieg. Are you here for the hot springs as well?" Shirou asked.

"Yeah. I've never seen or heard of hot springs before, so this is my first time here. Plus, master recommended me to go to here if my body feels sore."

"I see. Guess you're here for the same reason then."

"Eh? You're here because your body is sore too Shirou?"

"Yeah. Recently, it felt like my body is sore in some places, so I figured that a trip to the hot springs might help."

"I see. Is there something I should expect from going into the hot springs? Or do I just dive in?"

"Well no. Rather, you need to take a shower before heading into the hot springs first."

Sieg was confused. "Why? Is there something wrong with the water of the hot springs?"

Shirou let out a chuckle. "No. Rather, it's more of etiquette. Back in my home country, hot springs were viewed as a tradition, so going into the hot springs has a few rules actually."

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