Shirou's Vacation

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Emiya Shirou, EMIYA, and EMIYA Alter.

Despite being the same person, they act differently from each other because they came from different timelines which the events between each timeline are different from each other.

For example, Emiya Shirou came from a timeline where he managed to win Arturia's heart and convinced her to change her decision of using the grail while both EMIYA and EMIYA Alter came from a different timeline where they failed to do so. Furthermore, both of them made a pact with Alaya while Emiya Shirou did not.

In short, all three of these people are different in general, in both heroic tales and many more.

However, despite these differences, there is one thing that they all have in common.

They can cook up a good meal, and that is shown when it comes to Arturia and her counterparts. They can chow down on meals made by them like a pack of lions.

However, what would happen if all three of them were gone from the kitchen for a while...?

"Eh? A vacation?" Shirou asked.

Ritsuka nodded in reply. "Yes. Starting from today, you and your counterparts will go on vacation for a few days."

Shirou, EMIYA, and EMIYA were confused with the orders Ritsuka just gave them. "Um...master, may I ask why all three of us need to go on vacation starting from today?"

"Well...recently, I feel like I've been piling so much work on you three lately, so I think you three need a vacation, especially Shirou."

"Eh? Me?"

"Yeah. I mean, lately, you've been the victim of many pranks and accidents that were either made by Merlin or potions and mystic codes made by Da Vinci or even your mom."

Both EMIYA and EMIYA Alter nodded. "You can say that again. And don't mention the aftermath of all of those pranks and accidents..." they both thought in unison.

"Anyways, those are your orders," Ritsuka said.

"Are you sure about this? I mean, all three of us are on kitchen duty," EMIYA Alter replied. "And who knows what would happen if all three of us were gone for a few days..." he muttered softly.

"Yeah. I have a weird feeling something bad might happen while we're gone," EMIYA said.

"Relax. I've already asked Boudica, Raikou, and Beni-enma to cover your shifts within those few days, so enjoy yourselves for once! Plus, it's already paid for all three of you!" he replied with a smile on his face.

At that moment, Shirou, EMIYA, and EMIYA Alter felt something familiar in Ritsuka's words. "Jeez, I'm starting to think master took lessons from mom..." they thought in unison. For a moment, Shirou, EMIYA, and EMIYA Alter looked at each other before Shirou asked Ritsuka something.

"Hey master, can you give us some space for a moment. We need to discuss something."

"Sure. I don't mind," Ritsuka replied as he soon gave the three some space to have their discussion. As he did, Shirou, EMIYA, and EMIYA Alter huddled together in a football-team like action.

"What do you think about master's suggestion?" Shirou asked.

"Well, it's an order from master, so I can't refuse," EMIYA said.

"Me neither as well. Plus, I could use a vacation once in a while," EMIYA Alter replied.

"Very well. Guess we're all in agreement then," Shirou said before the three ended their discussion. Soon, they went back to where Ritsuka was. "All right, all three of us had a discussion on taking a vacation, and we decided to take it."

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