Knights of the Round Meet Shirou

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Emiya Shirou is screwed.

And in the worst way possible.


Simple, because he's stuck in a situation between a rock and a hard place...or rather six knights and a wall to be more precise.

Right now, Shirou is stuck in one of Chaldea's hallways in which his back is up against the wall while he is facing the Knights of the Round who are glaring at him.

Shirou sighed at the situation he was in. There were several situations Shirou was in in the past, and this was not one of them. Sure, he plunged himself into a holy grail war, fought off multiple servants including the king of heroes, nearly got himself killed multiple times, and actually died once from a certain blue lancer.

But this? This was one situation Shirou hoped he would never get himself into.

And yet as his luck would have it, he got himself into one.

Right now, Gawain, Lancelot, Mordred, Gareth, Tristan, and Bedivere were looking at Shirou with interest. Mordred looked like she was scowling, Gawain looked like he was interrogating him, Lancelot looked like he was disappointed, Tristan actually opened his eyes for once in disbelief, and Bedivere and Gareth looked at him with curiosity.

Shirou sighed again. "Just how did I end up in this situation?" he thought as he thought about the events that led up to this point...

(A few minutes earlier...)

Shirou was just walking down in Chaldea's hallway with Arturia, when suddenly, he felt something following behind him.

"Shirou? Is there anything wrong?" Arturia asked.

"Nothing. It's just feels like something is following me."

Arturia then looked behind, but saw nothing.

"I don't see anything Shirou. Maybe it's just your imagination."

"You sure? It doesn't feel like it."

"Maybe you're just overreacting a bit. Anyway Shirou, let's hurry. I'm hungry..." Arturia moaned.

Shirou chuckled. "All right, all right..." he said as he and Arturia went into the cafeteria.

However, what Shirou didn't know was that he was being followed by Gawain, Lancelot, Mordred, Gareth, Tristan, and Bedivere, who reluctantly came along. Ever since they found out about Shirou's interactions with their king and her multiple versions and how different they act when with Shirou, it piqued their interest, especially Mordred's. Not only that, but after seeing the interactions between Shirou and the Arturias over time, their interest went up even further.

And how did they find out about Shirou?

Simple. It was Merlin that told them about Shirou.

"Do you think he sees us?" Gawain asked.

"Nah. Pretty sure he can't sense us this far away," Tristan replied.

Lancelot sighed. "Just why are we doing this again?" he asked.

"Isn't it obvious? To find out what relationship this "Shirou" have with father and her other versions," Mordred replied. "I want to know why father always act like this when Shirou's around. I mean, have you seen what happened last week?"

The other knights looked at her and asked, "What happened?"

"Simple. I saw Shirou was cooking for father and her other versions in the cafeteria, and you want to know what happened?"

What happens when you summon Emiya Shirou in ChaldeaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin