Mothers Day

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"Come on! Do not...unwrap...!" Mordred groaned as she tried to wrap an item. As she managed to get the wrapping paper to stop unraveling, she then taped it together and set it aside.

Mordred let out a small sigh at what she was wrapping in front of her. "Wow. To think wrapping a box was this, I would rather be training with Clarent instead. That's at least easier considering that all I need to do is to swing my sword again and again at training dummies...and to think all of this started yesterday..." she thought as her mind went back to what happened yesterday...


Mordred was walking down the hallway, minding her own business. As she did, she overheard a few words that made her sick in her stomach and stopped her for a moment.

"Hey, are you making something for Mother's Day that's coming up soon?" A staff member of Chaldea asked.

"Yeah. I plan on sending a gift back to my mother. How about you?" Another staff member of Chaldea replied.

"I see. Still though, I can't believe that we're sending gifts to our mothers from all the way in Antarctica...even the postal service can do something like this..."

"You can say that again."

As the two staff members of Chaldea continued to have the conversation, Mordred couldn't help but feel a little sick in her stomach.

"Mother's Day? There's a holiday called like that? Jeez, that's some holiday...and to think it's to appreciate your mother..."

As the thought came into her head, images of Morgan appeared in her head along with her words.

"You are nothing but a tool..."

"How long do you plan on playing knight?"

"You are the heir of King Arthur. Your life is also proof of his existence. You are the child of the king!"

At that moment, Mordred's hands grew into fists in anger. ", Morgan, you're not my mother. Not anymore. I have a new mother, and she's, well he's, a lot better than you in every aspect I can think of..." she thought angrily until images of Shirou came into her mind.

Mordred then continued to walk down the hallway. As she continued to walk down the hallway, she kept hearing other staff members talking about Mother's Day. Not only that, but the child servants of Chaldea were talking about it as well.

"Really? Even the servants are getting onto this day? Well to be fair, some of them already have families here in Chaldea, but still, is it really that big of a deal?"

After a few more seconds of thinking, Mordred gave in a came up with an idea she would have never thought to do before.

Which was getting a gift.

"Well...I guess getting a gift for mother wouldn't hurt. At least he helped me deal with my problems of father, so...I guess I need to pay him back huh...but what does he like"

As Mordred continued to think about what Shirou likes, she was struggling because she does not know what he likes. Eventually, she sighed in defeat as she could not figure out anything.

"Well...I got nothing..." she said to herself.

"Oh my, is there something wrong, my cute little granddaughter?" a voice said behind Mordred.

At that moment, Mordred jumped upon hearing the voice behind her. As she turned around to see who the person was, she saw Irisviel with a smile on her face.

"Jeez, don't freak me out grandmother. Where did you come from?" Mordred asked.

"Fufufu...that's a secret. Anyways, I have overheard that you are trying to figure out what to give to my son for Mother's Day, correct?"

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