Cooking Lessons With Shirou

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"Queen Shirou!"

"Hm? Who said that?" Shirou thought as he turned around to see who said that.

The source of the voice was Gawain, Knight of the Sun, and one of the members of the Knights of the Round.

"Queen Shirou. Oh, thank god I found you," Gawain huffed while catching his breath.

"Uh Gawain, you don't have to call me Queen Shirou. Just Shirou is fine."

"Nonsense! You are our king's and her alternate versions' consort and the bearer of Avalon, so it's only natural that we call you Queen Shirou."

Shirou let out a sigh as he knew that there was no way making the knights stop calling him "Queen Shirou." After all, they were stubborn to the core, and Gawain was the most stubborn out of all of them. "All right, what do you need me for?" Shirou asked.

Gawain took a long breath before exclaiming, "Please teach me the ways of cooking!"

"Huh?" Shirou said.

"Yes, my queen. As hard as it for me to say this, but I wish for your guidance in the ways of cooking."

Shirou was dumbfounded by this. Gawain, the knight of the sun, and one of the knights of the round, is asking Shirou for lessons of cooking.

But why?

That was what Shirou needed, an answer for this sudden request from Gawain.

"Why though?"

"Well..." Gawain said as he thought back to what happened a few days earlier.

(A few days earlier...)

Gawain, Lancelot, Tristan, Gareth, Bedivere, and Mordred were walking in one of Chaldea's hallways. As they were walking, they passed by the cafeteria and overheard the Arturias chatting to each other about a certain topic.

Shirou's cooking.

This got the knights interested immediately, because they know that Shirou's cooking influences the Arturias in which the moment they took one bite of Shirou's food, they immediately smile and have a pink and yellow aura with flowers around them. Originally, they thought it was a one-time thing, but over time, they were proven wrong. While EMIYA's and the other cooks' food are good as well, only Shirou's food seems to have this kind of effect on them every time. They suddenly stopped for a moment and listened to the conversation.

"Uwaaaaaaa. So good," Arturia moaned as she took a bite out of her rice bowl.

"I know right? How long has it been since we had Shirou's cooking?" Arturia Alter asked as she munched on a hamburger.

"Way too long I think," Arturia Lily said as she slurped up her spaghetti.

"You think so?" Archer Arturia said as she took a bite of salmon.

"Nah. She's probably exagerating," Rider Arturia Alter replied as she took a fry into her mouth. "Seriously though, this is delicious."

"No kidding," Santa Alter Arturia said after eating a slice of pizza.

"Yes. Way better than the others. Especially Gawain's cooking. I wish he could cook like Shirou," Lancer Arturia said as she took a bite of her steak.

"No kidding. I mean seriously, his mashed potatoes are not that good," Lancer Arturia Alter said while she took a bite of her fried chicken. "Speaking of which, his mashed potatoes aren't even mashed potatoes."

"I know right? All he does is just mash them up and that's it. Shirou's mashed potatoes however completely different. Shirou doesn't just mash the potatoes, he also adds milk and butter and mixes them on a low heat until its smooth. Then he seasons it with salt and pepper. I swear, Shirou's mashed potatoes are the pinnacle of mashed potatoes." Ruler Arturia said as she sipped on her soup.

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