Mystic Code Shenanigans

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"Mystic code testing? Me?"

That was the question Shirou asked Da Vinci after she brought him over to her workshop.

"Yes. Do you know what a mystic code is?" Da Vinci asked.

"Yes. Mystic codes are special items that help Ritsuka in his quest to restore humanity. They give him certain skills and power bonuses as well."

"Yes. However, it's not limited just to Ritsuka as well."

"What do you mean?" Shirou asked.

"Shirou, you and other servants can equip mystic codes as well."


"Yeah. Now come on, I need you to test these new mystic codes out!" Da Vinci exclaimed happily.

Shirou sighed at the situation he was in. Earlier, he was just walking in Chaldea's hallway and suddenly, Da Vinci popped out of nowhere and dragged him to her workshop.

"All right. Just what mystic codes are we testing out today? Hope it isn't something really heavy or something really extravagant or something embarrassing."

"Oh! It's nothing like that actually. Rather, they're really light."


"Yeah! If anything, mystic codes look like regular clothes or suits. They're not like heavy armor that you see knights wearing. They can also take in the form of items as well."


"Yeah. Anyway, just let me just make the mystic code from my crafting table. I'll be right back!" Da Vinci exclaimed happily, excited to create a new mystic code for Shirou to test out and show it to him. While Da Vinci was crafting the mystic code, Shirou waited in a corner of her workshop.

"Wow. It's only been a few months since I've arrived in Chaldea, and yet trouble seems to always find me. First was meeting Saber and her alternative selves, multiple Tohsakas, Sakuras, Illyas, Luvia who's apparently a pseudo-servant vessel to a goddess, a girl named Miyu who happened to be my little sister from another universe, my alternate future self, an alternate version of dad, Illya's birth mother, Fuji-nee who's also a pseudo-servant vessel although the outfit she was wearing looks like she's in animal pajamas, Rider, the lancer that killed me once, and Gilgamesh. Then came the time where I met the Knights of the Round and was appointed as "Queen Shirou" and apparently Mordred's mother or stepmother. And now this..."

Shirou sighed as he tried to make his mind relax from all the thoughts he went through.

"Honestly, at this point, I'm not even sure if any day in my life will ever be normal...or if my life didn't have any sense of normality to begin with..."

"'s done!" Da Vinci exclaimed happily.

As Da Vinci did the final touches on the mystic code, she then brought it out for Shirou to see. As Shirou looked at it, he was surprised at how it looked.

Why? Simple. The mystic code Da Vinci crafted looked like the clothes he wore in Fuyuki when he was still alive. The mystic code Da Vinci was showing was Shirou's old white and navy-blue long-sleeves baseball jersey t-shirt with the navy-blue covering the sleeves and shoulders, blue jeans, a white and black jacket with the black covering the sleeves and the shoulders, and a pair of white and black shoes.

It was like looking back a distant memory, one that he went through a long time before...

Before he became a heroic spirit...

"Uh...Da Vinci...did you came up with the design?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Because the mystic code that you just created happened to look like my old clothes that I used to wear when I was still a human."

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