Giving Ritsuka Advice

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"Master? Are you okay? You seemed a bit down today," Shirou asked as he was escorting Ritsuka to his room.

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine," Ritsuka replied tiredly. "It's just probably your imagination."

Shirou looked at him suspiciously. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm just really tired right now."

"Well, if you say so."

Ritsuka then went ahead of Shirou and went into his room, leaving Shirou with a few questions on his mind. "Wonder what is up with master today..."

Meanwhile, Ritsuka slammed himself on the bed after a long day of doing a quest. He was exhausted as the quest took its toll on him.

However, he wasn't feeling just exhausted.

He was also depressed, not at the quest.

But rather at himself.

Because of his own weakness.

"Am I too weak to be a master of Chaldea? Is there anything else that I can do beside summoning servants?"

That was the thing that was on his mind as he thought back on what happened on that quest.

(Flashback to earlier...)

"Okay, I think that's all of them," Shirou said as he took his katana out from a bandit.

"Is that so?" Mashu asked.

"I don't sense anymore enemies around here, so we should be good."

Shirou then cleaned the blood off his katana as he looked at the corpes that fell to his sword. Earlier, Ritsuka accepted a quest involving a group of bandits having access to a dangerous weapon that could change history itself. To prevent that from happening, Ritsuka formed a group with Mashu and Shirou and rayshifted to an area where the bandits and the weapon were nearby.

After Ritsuka and his group found the bandits along with the weapon, they proceeded to fight the bandits, and seemingly killed them all.

Or so as they thought...

"Okay then, lets destroy the weapon," Ritsuka said.

However, out of nowhere, a bandit snuck up behind Ritsuka and placed a dagger in front of his throat.

"Master!" Shirou exclaimed.

"Senpai!" Mashu exclaimed.

"Don't move! Or else I'll slash this kid's throat!" the bandit exclaimed threateningly.

While the bandit may look like he had the upper hand in using Ritsuka as a hostage, in truth he was in a state of panic. After all, he just did see his comrades getting slaughtered by Shirou and Mashu. Within his state of panic, he hoped to use Ritsuka as mean to escape from the bloodbath he just witnessed and not be a victim of it as well.

"Okay! If you want this brat alive, drop your weapons!" the bandit exclaimed.

"And then what?" Shirou asked.

"Isn't it obvious?! I'm taking this brat with me as a hostage!"

Mashu was in a loss of words. "W-What do we do Shirou-san?!"

Shirou stayed calm.

"D-Didn't you hear me?! Drop your weapons!" the bandit exclaimed nervously.

Trying to calm the situation, both Mashu and Shirou dropped their weapons.

However, Shirou had a plan in mind. As he dropped his katana, he said two words.

"Trace on."

As soon as he said that, a black bow along with a twisted sword appeared in his hands. He then assumed into a shooting pose.

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