Introducing Gudako

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"And over here is the training room," Shirou said as he pointed at it.

"Yeah. I know what where it is. After all, I used to be a master of Chaldea," Gudako said as she began to look at it. "Although I'll admit, it looks a lot different than what I remember."

"Really? How so?"

"Well, the room wasn't this advanced before, and we didn't have any target dummies in my timeline."

"I see."

As Gudako continued to look at the training room with interest, Shirou's mind went back to prior events that brought him to this situation.

(A few minutes ago...)

Shirou was walking down the hallway, minding his own business. As he did, he came across Gudako, who was walking with a smile on her face.

"Hm? I haven't seen her before. That outfit...looks like a new member of Chaldea arrived today. But this is weird...she feels familiar, but how..."

As Shirou and Gudako continued to walk towards each other, Gudako accidentally bumped in Shirou.

"Oh, sorry," Gudako apologized.

"No problem," Shirou replied.

As both said their apologies, Gudako looked into Shirou's eyes for a moment. She then continued to stare into Shirou's eyes, making him uncomfortable for a moment. "W-What?"

" look like him...but a bit younger..."

"Um...sorry to ask, but who are you?"

"Hm? Oh, I'm Fujimaru Ritsuka, but call me Gudako in this case."

At this moment, Shirou was dumbfounded. "What the heck?!"

" there something wrong?" Gudako asked.

"Well...I'm sorry for being rude, but is your name really Fujimaru Ritsuka?" he asked with suspicion in his voice.

Gudako let out a sigh. "Yeah, and I know what you're thinking. To be honest, I'm surprised that the Fujimaru Ritsuka in this timeline is a male, and one who happened to have black hair instead of orange hair."

"Hey!" a voice said in the distance.

Shirou and Gudako then began to turn around upon hearing a voice in the distance. As they did, they saw Ritsuka in the distance. "Speaking of the root, my male counterpart seems to be coming here."

"Hey! Wait up!" Ritsuka yelled as he finally caught up to his female counterpart and Shirou. "Phew...I finally...found you..." he muttered as he was gasping for breath.

"Um her name really Fujimaru Ritsuka?" Shirou asked, wanting to make sure if what she was saying was true.

"Yeah...despite her's true. Her name is Fujimaru Ritsuka, although she goes by Gudako in this case," Ritsuka replied.

"You're kidding me..." Shirou said in disbelief.

"I know right? I did not believe it either, until I checked her status and saint graph. And to my surprise, she is Fujimaru Ritsuka, from another timeline that is like ours," Ritsuka said before he turned to look at his female counterpart. "And you, I know that you used to be a master of Chaldea in your timeline, but don't run off please. The director is already mad..."

"Ehe...sorry, guess I got a bit excited there. It's been a while since I've been here, so I want to see what this timeline's Chaldea looks like..." Gudako apologized.

Ritsuka let out a small sigh. "Anyways, Gudako, this is Emiya Shirou, one of Chaldea's servants. Shirou, this is Gudako, my female counterpart from another timeline."

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