A Unknown Stalker

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Shirou suddenly felt a chill going through his body, like if someone was watching him.

"What the?! What was that feeling in my body just now?! It felt like something or someone is watching me...just who or what is it?"

Shirou turned around to see if there was something or someone was tailing him. To his relief, there was no one behind him. "Well, there's nothing behind me...am I getting crazy? Or is it my imagination?" Shirou then dismissed his thoughts and continued walking.

Little did Shirou know that he was wrong...because in the distance of the hallway, there was someone falling him.

And that someone is Kiara Sessyoin, who is also known as Beast III/R.

"So that is Emiya Shirou huh? The younger counterpart to the counter guardian I have corrupted many years ago..."

(A few hours ago...)

Kiara Sessyoin was walking in one of Chaldea's hallways, minding her own business. As she was walking, she overheard something that interested her.

"Hey EMIYA?" Ritsuka asked EMIYA.

"Hm? What is it master?" EMIYA replied.

"Well...there's one question that's been on my mind for quite a while now. You see, how is it that you and Shirou are the same person, but you look different from him?"

EMIYA gave Ritsuka's question a long thought and said, "Well, it's because my younger self didn't make the same mistake me and my altered counterpart did."

"Really? And what mistake was that?"

"Overusing projection."

"Is that the reason why you and your altered counterpart have tanned skin, white hair, and grey eyes while Shirou has red hair, untanned skin, and golden-brown eyes?"


"I see..."

As Kiara overheard the conversation between Ritsuka and EMIYA, she was immediately interested in Emiya Shirou, the younger version of EMIYA Alter, who she had corrupted a long time ago.

"Emiya Shirou...so he's the younger version of the counter guardian I corrupted a long time ago...he sounds interesting to play with. Wonder what I shall do to him...should I break him and make him experience pleasure? Or should I brainwash him? Oh the many possibilities I want to do to him..."

And just like that, Kiara had one new goal in mind.

Meeting Emiya Shirou.

(Back to the present...)

Kiara continued following Shirou in the distance, her mind set on meeting him and enacting her plans on what to do with him. As she continued to follow him, she had to hide in a corner again as Shirou turned around again to see if there was someone following him. "Tch. Damn, he's always on check with something..."

Soon, Shirou left. As so, Kiara peaked out of the corner to see if he was gone, which he was. Kiara let out a sigh. "Soon Emiya Shirou. Soon you will meet me...and you cannot escape from me and my embrace..."

Kiara was in the corner, monitoring her target as he was sitting alone in the cafeteria, eating his food. "Great. He's alone in the cafeteria. Perfect to make a move on him."

Kiara then proceeded to move out of her hiding spot and went to where Shirou was. However, before she could even to do so, Arturia and her counterparts just arrived and then went into the cafeteria.

"Shirou!" Arturia and her counterparts yelled, grabbing his attention.

"Hm? Oh, hey Arturia. What are all of you doing here?"

What happens when you summon Emiya Shirou in ChaldeaWhere stories live. Discover now