Spending Time with Some Snakes

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"Shirou! Look out!" Medusa yelled out.

Shirou turned around to see an enemy charging at him. Shirou placed himself in a defensive position and countered his charge by sidestepping and slashed him right in the back.

"Thanks Rider!"

Medusa didn't say anything as she used her daggers and threw them across the area they were in, effectively killing another enemy. She then pulled the chains attached to her daggers, returning them to her hand before she started to run toward another enemy.

The enemy was caught off guard as he panicked when Medusa came up to him as quick as a bullet, giving her the chance to kill him by slashing him with her daggers.

"Gaaaaaahhhhh!" the enemy screamed as he fell to the ground and died from blood loss, letting Medusa to do the same to the other enemies.

Meanwhile, Shirou was slashing his enemies down with his katana in swift strokes. As he checked the area to see if any more enemies would pop up, he then dodged an arrow that an archer shot from the trees. He then materialized a copy of Kanshou and threw it at the archer hiding in the trees. As he fired the sword at the archer, the archer died instantly as he was impaled by it. "Okay, that should be the last of the enemies..." he thought.


Shirou turned around to see Medusa and a trail of the corpses of her enemies.


"It seems like you are done with your side of the enemies," Medusa stated calmly.

"Yes. And I suppose that the same has been done for you as well."

"Yeah. Anyways, let's go back to master's side."

"Got it."

Shirou and Medusa then left the bloodstained area and headed towards where Ritsuka and Mashu was. As Shirou and Medusa were walking towards Ritsuka and Mashu were, Medusa was looking back at Shirou this whole time and this continued until nightfall came.

(A few hours later...)

"All right, I think that's enough wood for tonight.," Ritsuka said as he grabbed some wood to make a campfire.

"You think so senpai?" Mashu asked.

"Yeah. For now, let's head back to the campfire."

Mashu nodded and went back to the campfire along with Ritsuka.

Meanwhile, Shirou and Medusa were hunting wild animals for food to eat. "I think that should be enough meat..." Shirou thought as he looked at the amount of meat caught from the animals he hunted.

"Shirou, do you think this amount of meat is enough for master and Mashu?" Medusa asked while bringing over her amount of meat.

"Yeah. All I need to do is to skin the meat. Want to help me?"


Shirou and Medusa then prepared to skin the meat off to make it more edible while also getting supplies as well. As Shirou and Medusa were doing the task, Medusa asked Shirou a question.

"Hey Shirou, can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What is it Rider?"

Medusa took a deep breath before asking, "Since when are you able to learn to do this? I mean, this is something I have never seen you do before."

"Well...it was something that I had to pick up during one of my travels after the holy grail war was over."

"I see..."

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