Knowledge of Cooking

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Shirou let out a sigh as he was cleaning up the dishes. "Man. Today's lunch rush was quite hectic, especially when it comes to Arturia and her counterparts. They can eat a lot...and within a fast pace as well. It's a wonder how Chaldea has not crumbled under food shortages when it comes to them, not to mention the fact that they also have to feed the others as well..."

As Shirou continued to wash the dishes and letting them dry, it was then a certain knight came up to the countertop and greeted Shirou.

"Queen Shirou!" the knight said.

Upon hearing that certain title, Shirou turned around to see Percival, who was holding an empty plate in his hands while smiling at the same time. "Percival, you don't have to call me that. Shirou is just fine," he said.

"No! You are our King's consort, which makes you a part of royalty! Therefore, us Knights of the Round should call you by that!" Percival argued as he placed his tray on the countertop.

Shirou let out a small sigh, knowing that the Knights of the Round's were stuck on calling him, "Queen Shirou," and they would not call him by any other way. He then grabbed Percival's dirty tray along with the dishes and began to wash them. "I take it that you enjoyed today's meal?" he asked.

Percival's smile grew even bigger. "Yup! And I must admit, the meals in this era are quite fascinating! It's nothing like I have ever seen before! Especially the food from our master's country!"

Shirou let out a small smile as he let a plate dry at the dink. "I take it you're interested in the cuisine of master's country?"

"Yeah! Today's meal was amazing! Especially with how it was laid out! It contains many aspects of a balanced meal! Grains, meat, vegetables, and soup! And within one tray as well!" he said with amazement in his voice. "Is this a fancy meal by any chance?"

Shirou let out a chuckle. "Percival, this type of food is actually quite common in Japan. It's called a Ichiju-Issai."

Percival was confused for a moment. "Ichiju-Issai? What is that?"

"It's a phrase meaning, "one soup, three sides." Anyways, this type of food is common in master's country, and is usually served throughout the day, including breakfast as well."

Percival's eyes lit up. "Really? People in master's country eat this for breakfast as well?"


"That's think people in master's country eat like this...the people over there must be lucky to eat food like this. Speaking of which, did you serve my king this type of food Queen Shirou?"

Shirou let out a smile. "Yeah. Many times, even back when I was her master during my timeline's Holy Grail War."

"I see. You seem to be quite knowledgeable about meals Queen Shirou," Percival said as he sat down on a chair.

"Well, to be fair, I did travel around the world a bit, so I may have picked up a few bits of knowledge about cuisine in some areas of other countries as well. However, the one I'm most familiar with is Japanese cuisine, since I came from the same country as master," Shirou replied as he was done washing the last dirty plate and let it dry on the drying rack. "Okay, looks like my job is over...well, until the dinner shift that is."

Meanwhile, Percival looked at Shirou with amazement in his eyes. "Wow. To think that my queen was knowledgeable in the ways of cooking, and he's the one who's been cooking for our king and her counterparts before I've arrived here...this is a golden opportunity I cannot pass up on!"

As Shirou was leaving the kitchen, Percival came up to him and placed his hands on Shirou's shoulders, confusing him. "What?" he asked.

"Queen Shirou...will you grant this knight his selfish request?" Percival asked.

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