Kaiju Attack

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There was a lot of trees in front of him. All he could see was many trees as he continued to walk on the ground in front of him. Eventually, the trees continued to decrease and in front of him was an upside-down stone spacecraft statue standing like an altar/idol.

For some reason, he felt like coming closer to it, as if it was calling out to him.

"This is..."

He then walked towards it and placed a hand on it. However, when he did, he felt a static shock coming towards him, making him scream in pain. He let go of the statue, and it started to light up in a blue light, making him cover himself from how bright it was.

Suddenly, he was starting to light up, and he was teleported into the stone spacecraft statue, much to his surprise. Eventually, he opened his eyes to see his surroundings. As he did, he noticed that there was nothing around him as he was in a black space with blue aurora lights floating around.

However, he was no longer alone.

Because in an instant, a silver giant appeared in front of him in a blue light. For a moment, he did not say anything as he was in awe of the silver giant itself.

"You are..."

The silver giant began to look at him.

"Who are you? Are you the one who called for me?"

The silver giant did not say anything as the world around both soon began to light up, making him cover his eyes.

Shirou woke up with a gasp, sweat slight coming down from his body as he was suddenly awakening from his sleep for no apparent reason. "What was that dream? First was that weird dream of me being in a high school version of Chaldea, and now this. Although this dream was different...just what was that silver giant?" He then got out of his bed. However, it was then he noticed a certain item was on his desk. "Hm? What's that?" he thought as he went over to look at it. As he did, he grabbed the object. The object itself was in a long, thin, diamond shape with another diamond shape in the middle. Around the shape were lines that made up details of the object itself. It was also colored mostly in white with some red, black, and blue.

In general, this was an object Shirou had not seen before.

"This object...I have never seen this before. And it's something I have not projected...just what is this?" he thought as he examined it. However, his examination of the object came to an abrupt halt when he heard a voice coming out from the other side of his door.

And that voice was Arturia's.

"Shirou? Are you awake?" Arturia asked.

"Hm? Ah, yeah, I'm awake," Shirou replied as he put the mysterious object down.

"Great. Anyways, can you hurry up? Everyone is waiting for you."

"Right. I'll be there." Shirou then got dressed as usual, picked up his sheathed katana, and headed towards the door. However, before he could exit his room, he took one last look at the mysterious object and for some reason he could not even explain, he took the object with him and placed it in one of his pockets. Soon, Shirou got out of his room. "Good morning Arturia."

"Good morning Shirou. Did you sleep well?" Artruia asked.

"Hm? Ah, well, you could say that I suppose..." Shirou replied.

Arturia let out a small sigh. "You did not stay up all night again, did you?" she asked with suspicion in her voice.

"No. I did have a weird dream though. Otherwise, I did get a full nine hours of sleep."

What happens when you summon Emiya Shirou in ChaldeaWhere stories live. Discover now