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News about the King of Heroes' defeat were spread throughout of Chaldea.

All of Chaldea's servants who weren't there to witness the battle between Emiya Shirou and Archer Gilgamesh were surprised when news of this were spread.

Not to mention the fact that there were somehow even images of the fight earlier.

And the fact that EA was actually defeated by his sword.

Because of this, Chaldea was having a field day. Some servants were talking about the fight between the two while some servants were writing stories about it or recording it for future generations in Chaldea. And some servants were drawing the fight as well.

However, it also had an unexpected effect.

And here are a few examples that Emiya Shirou was about to find out soon...

Shirou yawned as he woke up in his room. As he got out from the bed, he folded the sheets up and grabbed his katana that was hanging on the floor.

He then proceeded to leave his room...

Only to receive a line of servants in front of him at the front door of his room.

As he looked at the line of servants, he saw some servants he was familiar with. For example, he saw Cu and his counterparts and Scathach and her counterpart. Alongside them were other servants he didn't recognize.

"Um...can I help all of you?" Shirou asked.

All the servants in the line took a deep breath before yelling, "Please fight me, Emiya Shirou!"

Shirou was baffled with what he just heard. "W-Why?"

Lancer Cu had a grin on his face. "What? You didn't hear? Everyone in Chaldea is literally going crazy over the fight between you and the King of Heroes!"

"Yeah! It's what everyone has been talking about lately! Especially about you!" Proto Cu said.

"Really?" Shirou asked.

"Yeah! When we first heard it from our Lancer counterpart, we were surprised from what you did to that arrogant king!" Caster Cu said in excitement.

"Yeah. Not only you actually beat his noble phantasm, but you cut his arm off. That's quite impressive," Cu Alter said.

"Yeah. Even by my standards," Scathach said.

"True. After hearing from our student and his counterparts talking about how you utterly beaten the king of heroes and completely taught his arrogant ego a lesson, we wanted to have a chance fighting you again. Especially after we found out that you were possess a noble phantasm that was able to outrank EA and kill gods. It intrigues me and my counterpart as how come we have never heard of it before," Scathach Skadi said.

"I-I everyone else here..."

"Is here because they all heard of your victory over the King of Heroes and want to fight you. Especially since some of them here have a grudge against him."

Shirou was surprised. "Really? There are some servants here who have a grudge against him?"

Lancer Cu laughed at Shirou's statement. "Some? Kid, you have no idea how many servants here has a grudge against him."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah..." Cu Alter said.

"I-I see. So, every servant here in the line has a grudge against him?"

"Nah. Some of them here are just interested," Proto Cu said.

"Anyways, you want to fight them?" Caster Cu said.

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