Shirou's Missing!

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Shirou was walking down one of Chaldea's hallways, minding his own business. However, as he was walking, he came across something that was on the ground.

"Hm? What's that over there?" Shirou thought as he was walking to the object that was on the ground in the distance. As he got closer, he saw what the object was.

It was an envelope, and it had some wax that was shaped and had a design on the wax that sealed the envelope shut.

"Hm? An envelope? What's an envelope doing here? And this wax looks nothing like any wax seal I've ever seen. Did Da Vinci drop one of her things again? Well, I might as well return it to her..."

However, before he could so, the invitation suddenly lit up, surrounding itself and Shirou in a bright light.

"What the?! What's going on?! What is this light?!"

And in an instant, both Shirou and the envelope were gone, with no trace of them left in sight...

Ritsuka and Mashu were heading towards the cafeteria for lunch. As they arrived however, they heard a few voices coming out of the cafeteria.

"Hey, has anyone seen Emiya-kun?" Ishtar asked as she was drinking a cup of tea.

"Nope. I haven't seen Shirou," Arturia replied as she continued to eat her bowl of rice.

"That's strange. Usually, senpai would be here right now, but for some reason, he isn't," Parvati said.

"Onii-chan, where are you..." Sitonai muttered.

"Sherou, it's rude to keep a lady waiting..." Astraea muttered.

"Shirou, where are you? I'm starving..." Jaguar-man muttered.

"That's odd. Usually, Shirou would be here at this time of day, but he's not for some he late? Or did he oversleep?" Irisviel said.

Ritsuka overheard the voices in the cafeteria and thought, "That's odd. Shirou isn't here yet. Did he oversleep? Or is Da Vinci hogging him again for her experiments?"

"Senpai. Is there something wrong?" Mashu asked, snapping Ritsuka out of his thoughts.

"Well, it seems that Shirou isn't here at the cafeteria yet," Ritsuka replied.

"Eh? He's not here yet? Even though it's already this late?"

"Yeah. Maybe we should check on them and see."

"Good idea."

The two then headed into the cafeteria. "Hey there everyone," Ritsuka said with a smile on his face, attracting everyone's attention.

Arturia then got out of her seat and said, "Master, where is Shirou?"

"Shirou? I don't know. Why?" Ritsuka replied.

"Well, it's already lunchtime, and Shirou's not here yet. Have you seen him earlier?"

Ritsuka thought about Arturia's question and said, "No. I haven't seen him. He's not here yet?"


"Well, that's odd. Usually, Shirou-san should be here right now," Mashu said.

"I know right?! Just where is that idiot!?" Ishtar yelled.

"Now, now, just calm down," Parvati said, trying to calm down Ishtar.

"Yeah. Maybe Sherou has some business to finish," Astraea said.

"Still's not like Shirou to be this late..." Jaguar-man said.

"Master, if you find my son, can you tell him to get over here?" Irisviel asked.

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