Fou's Return to Avalon

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Shirou was walking down in the hallway of Chaldea. As he was walking down the hallway, minding his own business, he saw a little creature at one of the countertops, staring at the window into the snow.

"Hm? What's that over there?" Shirou thought. He then went over to get a closer look at what the creature was. As he got closer, he got a better look at what it was. It was a white furred squirrel-like animal that resembled a mix between a dog, cat, and bunny. It was wearing a mantle that looked like the robes Merlin was wearing.

The animal turned around to see Shirou in front of it.

"Hello. Are you lost little fella?" Shirou asked as he raised his hand.

The animal quickly moved at fear of seeing Shirou's hand. Shirou noticed this and removed his hand back. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you," Shirou said with a smile.

The animal then looked at Shirou in confusion.

"My apologies. You were surprised because I suddenly became too close to your boundaries, right?"

The animal didn't say anything.

"Don't be scared. Come on, everything is all right," Shirou said as he raised his hand to the animal with a smile on his face.

For a few seconds, nothing happened between the two.

Then the animal slowly walked up to Shirou, heading up towards his shoulder. The animal then started to nudge on Shirou's face, making him chuckle.

" seem nice. Do you have a name by any chance?"

The animal answered, "Fou!"

"Fou huh? Is that your name?"

"Fou!" Fou exclaimed happily.

Shirou smiled. "Such a cute animal. I wonder who he belongs to...Merlin prehaps? After all, he does looks like this animal right here. Too familiar I might say..." he thought as he continued to play with the animal while touching its fur.

After playing with him for a while, Shirou realized that he needed to go to the cafeteria to do his usual duties over here.

And that involved feeding a bunch of hungry lions and one swordswoman that has the same appetite of the lions.

"Well, time to go," Shirou thought as gently grabbed Fou from his shoulder and placed him on the countertop. He then left for the cafeteria.

However, before he can do so, he felt something latching onto one of his legs. Shirou looked down to see Fou latching onto his leg.


Shirou looked at him and said, "You want to come with me?"


Shirou then kneeled and raise his hand to Fou. "Come on."

Fou then went onto Shirou's arm...and ran up to his shoulder. Shirou sighed as Fou occupied his shoulder. "Well...this is not what I had in mind. Guess I'll have to bear it then."

With Fou on top of Shirou's shoulder, Shirou then proceeded to head towards the cafeteria. While he was walking, he passed by multiple servants and they were giggled at the sight of Fou on top of Shirou's shoulder.

Shirou sighed again. "This is going to be a long day..."

Eventually, Shirou arrived at the cafeteria. As he appeared in there, everyone stopped what they were doing to see Shirou with Fou on his shoulder.

Especially the Arturias, Rins, Sakuras, Illyas, Miyu, Astraea, Irisviel, Kiritsugu, Taiga, and EMIYAs.

"S-S-Shirou, t-t-t-that creature on your shoulder...t-t-that's..." the Arturia's muttered while trying to keep a straight face.

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