Morderd's Day with Shirou

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"Mother! Let's hurry up already! We don't want to keep master waiting!"

"I'll be there in a moment Mordred."

Shirou then took his katana out of a bandit's dead body and proceeds to go where Mordred is. As Shirou walked toward's Mordred's location, his thoughts wondered back to what happened a few hours ago.

"Man, never knew Mordred was this crazy..." he thought.

(A few hours ago...)

"You want me to spend some time with Mordred?" Shirou asked Ritsuka and Da Vinci.

"Yes," they replied in unison.


" was Arturia's idea," Da Vinci said.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. Apparently, she and her alternate versions think it's a good idea for Mordred to spend some time with you."

"She thought of that?"


"I you want me to spend time with her then?"

"Exactly. What do you think?"

"Well...I suppose I can. Plus, Mordred could use some help dealing with her issues considering her upbringing and I would also like to learn a lot about her."

"Excellent! Now just wait here to let me call the others," Ritsuka said.

Ritsuka then left the room, leaving Shirou and Da Vinci alone in the summoning room. A few minutes later, Ritsuka returned with Mordred and Mashu in tow.

As Mordred saw Shirou, she was confused seeing him.

"Eh? Why is mother here? Don't tell me father planned this...not that I'm complaining, this would be a good time to learn more about mother."

"All right Ritsuka, Mashu, Shirou, and Mordred. The side mission you four are going to be rayshifted into is a modern one which involves a certain group of bandits. Originally, these bandits were supposed to be dead and shouldn't exist, but for some reason, they're still alive and managed to say intact even in the modern world."

"I see, and I suppose that our mission is to kill them off?" Mordred asked.

"Exactly Mordred. Their base should be in a forest," Da Vinci replied.

"Well then, that should be easy! I'll cut them up easily!" Mordred exclaimed.

"Don't get too hasty Mordred. The enemy could always have a secret weapon behind their backs to turn the tides against us. And when that happens, we're screwed," Shirou said.

"Huh? Just what kind of weapon would these bandits hide?" Mordred sneered.

"I'm just saying to be wary of things just in case. You never know what the enemy may have."

"In other words, Mordred, don't get too cocky," Ritsuka said.

"I got it, I got it," she mumbled.

"Good," Shirou said with a smile while rubbing her hair.

Mordred immediately blushed at Shirou's touch. "Y-You don't have to touch me mother!" she said while moving her head.

"You don't like it?" Shirou asked. Mordred stayed silent after hearing that. "She must have a bad unbringing then...wonder what happened to her..." he thought.

"Um...can we go now?" Mashu asked.

"Hm? Oh yeah!" Da Vinci said as she inputted the coordinates into the computer to allow the group to rayshift to the singularity. "All right! It's done."

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