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"Bzz! Bzz!"

Shirou moaned as he heard his alarm clock from the nearby stand right next to his bed. He then raised his hand to proceed to turn it off. "'s already morning?" Shirou thought to himself as he got out of bed. As he did, he then went into the bathroom to refresh himself for the morning.

However, when he was about to do so, he then looked in the mirror, and noticed something completely crucial about himself.

His hair color was in a pure white, just like EMIYA and EMIYA Alter's.

At that moment, Shirou had one thought to himself.

"What in the root is this?!"

(In EMIYA's room...)

EMIYA woke up and he went to the bathroom to check on himself. As he did, he noticed a certain change that made him shocked upon seeing himself in the mirror.

His hair was red, just like his younger counterpart.

And he did not take it well.


(In EMIYA's Alter's room...)

EMIYA Alter let out a small moan as he got out of bed. As he did, he then went into the bathroom to check on himself.

And like his un-altered counterpart, he noticed something different in the mirror.

His hair, despite being shaved, was red, just like his younger counterpart.

"What the hell is this?! Why is my hair red?!"

Shirou let out a moan as he was getting used to the new change that has happened to him this morning. "What in the root is this? Just how did my hair turn white this morning? I'm pretty sure that I did not drink something weird yesterday. Unlike that last time with Merlin..." Shirou thought as he remembered the time where he was turned into a woman because of Merlin.

As Shirou continued walking, he ended up passing by a lot of servants who mistook him as EMIYA.

"Hey? Isn't that the red bowman?" one servant asked.

"No wait, that's Emiya Shirou," another servant said.

"Really? But he looks so different with white hair. In fact, he kind of looks like the red bowman that we would see in the kitchen..."

"To be fair, it was revealed that he and the red bowman were the same person..."

"Oh yeah..."

Shirou let out a small sigh as he heard the comments from the servants he would pass by. "The hair color change seems big to everyone here huh...this is going to be a long day..."

As Shirou continued walking, it was then he bumped into two certain servants.

EMIYA and EMIYA Alter.

And just like him, they had their hairstyles altered too.

Upon seeing their younger self, both EMIYA and EMIYA Alter let out a small sigh as they now knew that along with them, he had his hair color changed.

For a moment, they were silent upon meeting each other. Then EMIYA decided to speak out.

"So, the change happened to you too?" EMIYA asked Shirou.

"Yeah. The same happened to you too?" Shirou replied.

"Yup. We woke up looking like this earlier," EMIYA Alter said as he pointed his shaved hair.

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