Lily's Training And Accident

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"Hah! Hah! Hah! Yaaah!" Arturia Lily yelled as she was swinging Caliburn repeatedly. Right now, Arturia Lily was practicing her swordsmanship alone in the training room to improve herself and her skills and swordsmanship.

"I need to get stronger! For master's sake! For everyone's sake! And for Shirou's sake!"

As she continued swinging Caliburn, a memory came into her mind.

Which was Shirou swinging Tsumugari Muramasa at Archer Gilgamesh.

(A while ago...)

"The heart of the blade is right here!
Take this, this is my Tsumugari Muramasa!"

Shirou then swung his sword at EA, creating a light that was so bright, everyone inside of Shirou's reality marble shielded their eyes. After the light faded, everyone uncovered their eyes and the result the match between Shirou and Archer Gilgamesh was shown.

Shirou won, and Archer Gilgamesh lost, including an arm as well.

The results were clear. Not only did Shirou survive EA, but he also sliced through it and cut Archer Gilgamesh's arm off as well.

At that moment, everyone was in awe at what just happened.

Especially Arturia Lily.

(Back to the present...)

"That technique...that swordsmanship...and that sword...I want to be the same as Shirou! I want to be as strong as him, so I can protect him, master, and everyone else!" Arturia Lily thought as she continued swinging her sword.

After the practice match between Shirou and Archer Gilgamesh, Arturia Lily was inspired by Shirou's Tsumugari Muramasa along with his swordsmanship, and she had been training herself every day in the training room, trying to reach the same level as Shirou holds. And ever since that day, Arturia Lily put herself through a rigorous training regime which would involve her practicing her swordsmanship whenever she has free time.

Normally, she would be alone doing this routine, but sometimes she would also get help from her counterparts and any of the Knights of the Round.

Heck, she even had some help from Merlin, although that was short-lived because of some pranks he pulled on her.

"Phew. Just one more set and I'll be done with today's training regime...speaking of which, I could use someone as a sparring partner right now..."

However, as soon as she thought of that, a certain servant soon came into the room.

It was Bedivere, one of the Knights of the Round.

"My king," Bedivere said as he bowed.

"Hm? Oh, hey there Bedivere!" Arturia Lily said happily as she turned around and noticed him coming in. "How are you doing today?"

"I'm doing fine my king," Bedivere replied.

"I see. Anyways Bedivere, can you help me with something?"

"Sure, my king. What is it?"

"Well, can you help me with practicing my swordsmanship?"

Bedivere quickly complied. "Of course, my king."

Arturia Lily and Bedivere then headed towards the training arena. As they did, they drew their swords at each other. "Are you ready my king?" Bedivere asked.

"Yes!" Arturia Lily replied enthusiastically.

"Well I come then!"

In an instant, Bedivere then lunged towards Arturia Lily with his sword in his hand. As he did, he then swung at her, forcing her to block his strike with Caliburn. Arturia Lily then pushed Bedivere back and then swung Caliburn at him. However, Bedivere dodged her swing by moving to the side and then swung his sword at her as well.

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