Sleeping Problems

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Even though Fujimaru Ritsuka has successfully saved humanity, it wasn't an easy journey.

Especially with the mental trauma that came with it afterwards.

While his actions did save humanity in the end, it came with a huge cost.

The mentality of his soul.

Because while clearing the singularities did save humanity, it didn't save the innocent people included in them.

And it still haunted him.

Not only that, but the deaths of Olga Marie Animusphere, Romani Archaman, and the many other master candidates and members of Chaldea still haunt him to this day.

Even now, he still has nightmares about their deaths...

"Why did you let us die..."

"Why didn't you save us..."

"You can't save humanity, no matter what you do..."

"You should have died in that explosion Lev created..."

"Why did you live when others better than you died..."

Ritsuka woke up from his nightmare with a gasp as he immediately rose from his bed, grasping his bed sheets tightly. Beads of sweat were coming down his head as he was trying to calm himself down from the nightmare he just received. "Another nightmare again..." he thought as he laid down on the bed. As he was laying down on the bed, he stretched one of his hands and raised it into the air. "Director...Dr. Romani...everyone..." he thought as he tried to go back to sleep.

However, this would be proven useless, because no matter how long time has passed or what technique Ritsuka would use to go to sleep, it would fail, and he would struggle trying to go to sleep.

Ritsuka sighed as he knew he was not going to experience a good night's sleep tonight. "Well, guess it's another rough night for me...maybe I'll go to one of the vending machines to get a drink..." he thought as he got out of bed and left his room...

(The next day...)

"Senpai. Senpai. It's time to wake up," Mashu said as she was knocking on the door of Ritsuka's room.

"Mmmnh...I'll be there Mashu. Just give me a moment..." Ritsuka moaned as he got out of bed and put on his Chaldea uniform. As he opened the door, Mashu was greeted with a sight she thought she would never see.

Ritsuka looked horrible. His hair was in a complete mess and his eyes looked very sore.

"S-Senpai?! Are you okay?! You don't look so good..." Mashu exclaimed as she was in shock of the state Ritsuka was in.

"Hm? Oh...yeah. Just a rough night. That's all," Ritsuka replied as he was rubbing his forehead for comfort.

On the contrary, Ritsuka felt like he could use an energy drink right now. His body felt so sluggish and sore at the same time and his head feels like it was splitting apart and has needles piercing through it.

Mashu looked at him worryingly. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'm fine Mashu."

"Well...if you say so..."

Rituka and Mashu then went to the cafeteria. As they were walking, Ritsuka felt like his body was sore in some areas. "Wow. Last night was probably one of the roughest nights I ever had in quite a while..." he thought.

Eventually, both Ritsuka and Mashu arrived at the cafeteria. As they were walking in the cafeteria, they were noticed by multiple servants. Mostly because of the look Ritsuka was giving.

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