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Harry hadn't been sure how he would feel celebrating Christmas again after so many years, specially considering the weight it had for him.

And even though he told Louis he would be fine celebrating with his family, and not to worry, he had no way of knowing if that was actually true.

But surprisingly enough, he had felt alright most of the time, although sad at times, but nothing horrible. It had actually been really nice to spend that time with the Tomlinson's, who were a loving family, and he was happy to call them his family now.

And it had been amazing too to see Leah enjoying her first Christmas so much, as she had had so much fun tearing wrapping paper and playing with her new baby toys.

So by the time they were finally going back home on the 26th, Harry made sure to thank Louis' parents for welcoming him, and for a wonderful Christmas, and they told him that they were happy to have him over, and that he would be welcomed back at their house anytime he wanted.

New year's was a lot easier for him, and they spent it with Niall and Liam, as well as some other friends of Harry's and Niall's, and it felt like the perfect way to start a new year, one that Harry was very happy and excited for, as he knew only good things could come with Louis and Leah by his side.

"I hate Monday's" Harry groaned when his alarm went off that morning.

Winter break was over at the University, which meant Harry had to go back to work, which he normally loved, but right now he was feeling very lazy.

"Me too" Louis agreed as he cuddled into Harry's chest "5 more minutes".

"Okay" Harry agreed, knowing his alarm would go off again in about 7 minutos.

But it felt like 30 seconds, but this time, they got up, knowing that if they didn't, they would both be late for work.

So Louis went straight to take a shower, and Harry said hi to the dog, and then went to get Leah from her room, and found her not only awake, but also standing in her crib, holding on tightly to the rails.

That was her new trick; pulling herself up on a standing position, and since she learnt how to do it, she was doing it all the time, so they knew soon enough their baby would be walking.

"Good morning, sunshine" Harry smiled and picked her up from the crib.

Leah wasn't smiling though, she seemed uncomfy, and Harry knew it was because she needed a nappy change.

"Are you going to say dada today? Dada?" Harry asked as he changed her nappy.

Leah babbled nonsense, which was adorable.

"No, it's dada, say dada, dada" Harry insisted.

"Aa-aa" Leah tried to imitate.

"Good try" Harry told her "We just have to work on this a little more".

When Harry was done, he threw the dirty nappy away, then took Leah to her high chair, sat her in it, and washed his hands to be able to make breakfast for the 3 of them.

For the last couple of weeks, Louis has started producing less and less milk, to no fault of himself, so they had started giving Leah some formula (besides the solids), and she didn't seem to mind at all, and so that morning, Harry made Leah some oatmeal mixed with formula, and a few blueberries cut in half.

"Good morning, my beautiful baby girl" Louis cooed as he walked up to Leah, being already showered and dressed, and he gave her a kiss on her forehead.

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