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After a long conversation about the future between them, a pros and cons list and encouragement from Harry, Louis had gone ahead and applied for the apprenticeship to become a lab technician.

He wouldn't know if he got in until the beginning of June, which was after the wedding, which was now the priority.

Well, that and the baby... and Leah and Flynn.

But right now mostly the baby, as they were now currently at the doctor's office for Louis 16 week scan. Thankfully, they had been able to leave the kids at home with Gigi, who had been happy to babysit when Louis asked her.

"Wow, this baby is growing fast" Harry said surprised when the baby appeared on the screen as the doctor passed the ultrasound wand over Louis' belly.

But he shouldn't have been surprised, Louis' belly was looking quite big, there was absolutely no hiding the pregnancy at this point, so it was a good thing that everyone knew by now.

Harry felt Louis' hand in his, so he looked down at his face, and he was giving him a shy smile, so Harry leaned down to kiss his forehead to let him know he wasn't freaking out or anything.

"How is the baby?" Louis wondered.

"Everything looks perfect so far..." the doctor said with a smile "Do you want to find out the sex?".

"Uhm... yeah" Louis replied, and looked at Harry again "Right?".

"Yes, you can tell us" Harry agreed.

"It's a girl" the doctor announced.

"Oh wow" Louis smiled "I thought it was a boy, but I love that it's a girl".

"Me too, babe" Harry smiled back and squeezed Louis' hand.

By the end of the scan, they were told that the baby was developing great, and to come back in a month, and they left with pictures of their baby girl.

"Are you happy?" Louis asked as they waited for the tube.

"Very happy" Harry replied, and kissed Louis cheek.

"I still can't believe we're having another daughter" Louis confessed "Do you think she'll look like Leah?".

"I don't know, maybe" Harry replied, and they got in the tube once the doors opened.

Harry made sure Louis sat down, but because it was full he just stood in front of him.

"Are we going to keep the short name theme?" Louis wondered.

"We should" Harry considered.

"I have a suggestion".

"What is it?".

"I was thinking, Leah's name starts with an L like my name, so maybe we could give our new daughter an H name like you?" Louis proposed.

"Are you thinking of one in particular?" Harry questioned.

"Yes" Louis confirmed.

"Which one?" asked Harry.

"Hazel" Louis smiled.

"Hmm" Harry considered.

"It's very sweet, and Hazel Styles sounds cute, and so much like your name"

"Maybe too much like my name?" Harry pointed out "And won't this upset Flynn when he's older? The fact that his name doesn't match anyone?".

"But he'll be the only boy, so he'll be unique" Louis explained.

"Hmm..." Harry hummed again "Maybe we could keep Hazel on the short list?".

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