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Louis was in prison.

He was still having a hard time accepting it, and every morning that he woke up in his prison cell, this wave of realization hit him, and it made him want to cry.

He had to share a cell with one person, a man named Peter, they had a bunk bed, and Louis had the lower bunk. That was all that was in there, except for a toilet and a sink, and it wasn't great to have those next to the bed. They weren't locked in in the cell the entire time, though, just 16 hours of the day. During the other 8 hours they were allowed to use the common area, which basically meant sitting around, talk and watch the telly. There was also a 'library', which was more of a room with some books, and they were allowed to take them to their cells, so Louis kept doing that to keep himself busy while he was locked in the cell. There was also a place where they had their meals, and then the showers obviously, and they were allowed to go outside to a courtyard for 1 hour a day. Louis usually went, because inside the prison the windows were tiny and basically no light came in.

The first day he was there, Louis was terrified about everything, but by now he was getting used to it. He also mostly kept to himself, he talked to Peter sometimes, but just the bare minimum, and when he was outside the cell, he didn't talk to anyone. Either way, he was making sure that if he had any interactions with other prisoners, to be polite, because he had no idea what these other men had done to be here, and what they were capable of doing.

He was sitting on the common area that day (it was a Friday) which marked his 2nd week there, when they started handing out mail, and a guard put an envelope in front of him.

Louis was surprised, because he had never received any mail, but then he noticed Harry's handwriting on the envelope. The envelope was opened, though, which he guessed was prison policy, so he just took out what was in there, which was a picture and a letter.

He looked at the picture first, and it was of Leah and Flynn, the girl was sitting on the couch and was actually holding her baby brother, and it made Louis smile. He had never seen that picture before so he guessed Harry had taken it after he went away.

He then opened the letter, and he read it.

'Dear Lou,
I feel like every time we talk on the phone we can't really say much, it's never enough time.
I was thinking the other day that before you went away we used to talk so much, I never realized how much it was until you were gone. Despite all the noise from the kids and Otto, the flat feels empty without your sweet voice, I miss hearing it so much. I miss hearing you say my name, or calling me 'babe' in that little sing song voice you use without even noticing. I just smiled as I thought about it.
Did I tell you I got an offer for my aunt's flat? It's a good offer so I decided to take it, but the paperwork of the sale will take a few weeks. It will all be settled by the time you come out, though, so we can use some of the money for our wedding and a honeymoon, I'm really looking forward to that.
The kids miss you, Leah always asks about you, but your videos help, and she looks forward to them every night, she even asks for them. I got Flynn new bottles and he likes them more, so now he eats better. He's getting so cute and more alert, I'm sending you a picture of him and Leah. It was actually her idea to hold Flynn, she has been wanting to hug him a lot lately.
I love you so much, and being apart from you only makes me love you more.
Yours forever,

Louis was crying by the time he finished reading, so he wiped his tears away, not wanting other people to see him cry. He then looked at the picture again, it was the only one he had of the kids, as he hadn't been able to bring anything when he came into the prison, so he was even more thankful for it.

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