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Thursday was Louis' last full day as a free man, and it went by in a blur for them both, and before they knew it, it was Friday morning.

"Good morning" Louis whispered to Harry.

"Good morning, my love" Harry said back.

"I'm going to miss waking up next to you" Louis said, and Harry noticed his eyes got glossy with tears.

"I'm going to miss that too" Harry said back, as he held Louis' beautiful face with his hand "I'm going to miss everything about you".


"Everything" Harry confirmed.

"Even my snoring?" Louis joked.

"You only snored when you were pregnant" Harry pointed out "And it was a cute snore".

Louis smiled a little as Harry kept holding his face, and it made him so sad and angry to know that Louis was going to be taken away from him for 6 months.

"Do you think other people will harm me in prison?" Louis wondered.

"Remember what Liam told us, you just need to keep to yourself, and you'll be okay" Harry replied, even though he had no way of knowing "Besides, it's not a maximum security prison, so the people there are not supposed to be that bad".

"It still scares me" Louis confessed.

"I know, baby" Harry nodded, as he stroked Louis' cheek "I wish I could take your place".

"No, you're a good person, you haven't done anything wrong".

"You're a good person too, you don't deserve this, it's ridiculous that you're being sent to jail for this" Harry said feeling angry again.

Louis sighed and looked down, and Harry could tell he was upset, so he kissed his forehead and he held him tightly, trying to soak it in.

"Babe?" Louis asked after a while.


"I'm sorry we can't have sex before I go" Louis spoke.

Although Harry had already recovered from his vasectomy, Louis was still not 6 weeks post partum yet, which was the time they needed to wait to have sex.

"It's okay" Harry told him "I don't care about that".

Louis gave him an incredulous look.

"Well, yeah, I care, but it's fine" Harry replied.

"So you're not going to miss sex?" Louis wondered.

Harry could tell that Louis was trying to lighten up the mood, which was sweet of him.

"I will, but I'd give up sex for life if it meant you not going away at all" Harry told his fiancé.


"Yes" Harry confirmed "Because I love you more than I love sex".

Louis smiled, and kissed Harry again on the lips, and that's when Flynn woke up, which meant that their alone time was over. So Louis picked up the baby to feed him, and Harry just watched him, knowing this might be the last time.

Things happened very fast after that, because Leah woke up, and they all had breakfast and got dressed, and then Louis' parents arrived, and before they knew it, they had to leave.

Harry noticed Louis was whispering things in his parents ears as he hugged them goodbye, but he let them have their moment alone, so he had no idea what he was saying to them.

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